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Today I had a very small piece of chocolate fudge. My throat immediately swelled closed and I could not talk of breath to good. I had a hard tiem getting water down but did.and I started to recover in 5 minutes. Thye say I have food allergies and other allergies along with acid reflex. Is this normal to recover in about 10-15 minutes after taking water to rinse the choclate out of the throat area, and can this get worse?


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Thanks for the information. It sure scared me when ones thorat closes up, you can not talk and have trouble breathing.

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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
The time you take to recover depends on the degree of allergen challenge you face. This may vary from time to time. Throat closing is due to localized edema in the throat. The reaction can be mild to severe and even life threatening. If some food allergies have been detected, it would be wise to avoid those food items. Make a complete list of things that cause allergies and avoid them. Avoid buying things like tinned and processed food that have those ingredients—check all labels before buying.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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