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cure for high IgE ?

I have been told my level of IgE is 1,900. The blood test showed that majority of it was down to pet dander and house dust mites.
I was advised by my dermatologist consultant to get rid of all the carpets in my house, purchase matress and pillow protecters and buy a special filter for my hoover.
I have spent 4 years on various steroid creams of all strengths as well as different moisturisers, shower gels, soap etc and has even spent time wearing itchopaste bandages to which they did not work. I am about to try the UV treatment but what I am asking is....because it is in the blood stream, would a blood transfusion near enough cure the problem or at least calm things down ?
Any other advice or help from other sufferers would be greatly appreciated...
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A blood tranfusion would not fix anything, but would risk exposure to some diseases.

IgE is an allergy released by various cells in your body (mainly mucus membranes) in response to allergen triggers.  IgE is carried in your blood, but it manufactured in other cells.  You might feel better for a few days if they changed exchanged ALL your blood, but that would be expensive and high risk.

If you have moderate to severe asthma, there is a treatment that binds with IgE keeping it from binding with receptors and triggering more allergic symptoms.  That is Xolair, and it runs $1000 minimum a dose in the states.  It has very high standards to get on it.

Are you taking any antihistimine?  Have you considered allergy shots?  You might also want to purchase a HEPA air filtration unit.  Also, you might be better treated by an allergist since IgE mediator.

I hope you find a doctor that can really help you soon.
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Oh, different countries have different laws regarding meds.  Xolair maybe used in your situations in your country.  Also, some drs have been able to get approval for use for different application for extenuating circumstances.  So if your dr could be an advocate you to obtain approval for you despite the approved use that could work for you. That would have to be one aggressive dr though.  

Good luck.
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