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dark blood vessels in back of throat

If you take a flashlight and look in back of my throat on one side it looks like I have a dark colllection of blood vessels in one spot the other side is a little dark in same area. I did have my tonsils out like 10 years ago. I went to urgent care center that doctor said he couldn't see it but I can. They did a strep test it was negative. I also suffer from allergies could this be what it is or is it a sign of something more serious like cancer
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563773 tn?1374246539

It sounds like congected blood vessels which can be seen in pharyngitis or upper respiratory tract infections(maybe caused due to allergies).Do you have any growth over there?Then chances of malignancy are bleak.

I feel that you should get an ENT examination done because without physical examination,pinpointing a diagnosis is tough.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted on how you are doing.

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i did see my gp she said it was just blood vessels
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