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dizziness and sinus-like pressure (no sinusitis)

I have had facial pressure and dizziness since May 2.  I did have a sinus infection but CAT Scan has said my sinuses are clear.  ENT gave me a balance test and a brain MRI.  All clear.  I am a diabetic and have been running very high blood sugars when I have been on the many antibiotics and Prednisone.  I am now experiencing some neuropathy in my hands and feet - do not know if it is related to my mysterious condition or a result of the long periods of high blood sugar.  Would appreciate any input.  Thanks !!!!
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What was your sinus infection caused by? Fungal infections are common in diabetics. Neuropathy appears after prolonged periods of high blood sugar...
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
Prolonged high blood sugar can cause diabetic ketosis and dizziness. The dizziness could also be due to compression of spinal nerves in the cervical region. It can also be due to anemia and periodic drops in blood sugar. Please consult a diabetes specialist and first get the sugar levels under control. It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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