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does allergic chronic rynitis have cure?

i sneeze often,eye hitching and wounds on my nose  even when i  avoid the things that i'm allergic to which is mostly the natural air and mostly at night and raining time i also avoid fans. see my doctors and they say it's allergic chronic  rynitis and i have also snap an x-ray to them .so i was adviced to take vitamins c and loraltin daily after some antibiotics which i have taken earlier at first start of treatment my treatment is now more than ten years but i haven't seen any improvement i need your advice. thank you.
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I use use Clarinex which helps a little. Tried Claritin and it did not do anything. Most nasal sprays help, a non steroid nasal spray such as NasalCrom might help too and is gentle with virtually no side effects. I found that allergy shots was the only thing that stopped it for me. I don't use nasal sprays anymore. My rynitis was really bad and clogging my air ways. Now it seems to be almost gone. I get a bit sticky but never more than clearing my throat kind of annoyance. Before it was like running tap water. Expect it to take 6 months twice a week if you do allergy shots.
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How are you? Aside from avoiding the triggers, have you tried nasal irrigation? It  utilizes a buffered hypertonic saline solution that helps reduce swollen and congested nasal and sinus tissues. Non-prescription nasal sprays can also be used frequently and are very convenient to use. Combinations of drugs are made up of one or more anti-allergy medications that help simplify dosing and often will work either together for even more benefit or have counteracting side-effects that eliminate or reduce total side-effects. You can also try allergy shots or Immunotherapy. It would be good to discuss these options with your doctor.

I hope this helps. Take care and keep us posted.
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