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yes it has been two years now that i been trying to get rid of this bug living in my skull it wasnt till recent i found out what it is but i cant seem to get a doctor to treat or even look at me please help
2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, bug in the skull is a quiet unusual symptom and needs a proper physical and psychiatric evaluation to rule out the cause.

When you feel crawling and bugs like sensation can be seen in worm infestations like ascaris and liver flukes, cholangitis and biliary stasis, thyroid disorder and delusional parasitosis.

I suggest you to get the following parameters checked like liver function, thyroid function and absolute eosinophil count. Consult a physician.

If all the parameters are normal, if no cause is identified then you may need a psychiatric evaluation for delusional parasitosis. Take and care.
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1340994 tn?1374193977
Bugs do occasionally crawl inside an ear, but I've never heard of them staying there.  An ER doctor would try to wash it out with saline or use oil to kill it and then remove it with forceps.  I would think rubbing alcohol fumes would force one to leave, but that's just a guess of course.  I'd try putting rubbing alcohol on a Q-tip and carefully put some in there, but tip the ear so it drains out.  Surely any bug would leave?  

It seems more likely a hair or a plug of wax is in there and just making a lot of noise when it moves by gravity.  
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