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eye problem please help

Hi guys I have a question I have had some sort of eye problem for over 5 months now it looks like a discharge and crusty stuff right at the corner of my eye near the cornia so i went to the opmatalogist who priscibed me eye drops so i use them but the thing is i need to remove the discharge before putting the eye drops so i usually take klennex to remove it but sometimes i use a washcloth i take it out and an hour later its back again i dont know what to do im confused sad and frustrated last night i removed it once again and i noticed my lower lash line was red and itchy so i precided to rub it gentlly with a wety washcloth today and last night it looked like i had received all these new wrinkles on my lower eye lids both eyes can this be cause by me rubbing it with the washcloth.. what do u think is better to use to remove access discharge a klenex or a washcloth cause i used a klenex on my right eye and it scratched my eye now i have a huge visible scratch right at my eye which looks awful i dont know what to do?? can u reciev wrinkles from rubbing your lower lash line with a washcloth i thought that was ok to do??
4 Responses
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790967 tn?1432764810
what type of antihistamines do you think will work for my eyes?
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351246 tn?1379682132

Thanks for writing to the forum!
This can be an allergy to exercise and sweat. Many a times an allergy starts in reaction to heat or cold. What you have is probably cholinergic urticaria. Exercise, hot baths, tight clothes, spicy food, emotional stress and fever can all cause this. Once this is identified, avoiding the reason can take care of the problem. Eye strain as in overuse of computers can aggravate it further. Sometimes rapid cooling of the eyes by applying a cold compress or cold tea bags can prevent an attack. Antihistamines also help.

Hope this helps. Do discuss this with your doctor and get yourself examined. Please
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790967 tn?1432764810
one day when i was running 8 years ago my eyes swelled up and since then every time i run or even sweat my eyes swell, i get this odd feeling in my head, it starts out with a little bump under my eyes and like 2 minutes later my eyes will be practically swollen shut it will stay that way for 2 days straight no longer i cant figure out what is causing it because it does it no matter where i go,what could cause this?
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
As long as you are gentle, using either Kleenex or a clean wash cloth should cause no harm. Also rubbing does not cause wrinkles. Your lower eye lash was red, so there must have been a mild swelling too. Once you cleaned the area, the water that had accumulated in your lash was drained, leaving the loose skin behind looking wrinkled. This is the only possible explanation I can give.
It is difficult to comment without examination. What is important is you must find out what is causing this allergy like secretions. Common allergens are pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, cosmetics or drugs. You must get an allergy test done, either a skin test or by RAST, to know what you are allergic to. Seasonal allergies are generally due to pollen or dust. Any cosmetic you apply on face or eye or even for your hair like shampoos or dyes too can cause allergies.
A soft cotton ball moistened with just warm water should be the best to clean your eyes with.
Please discuss this with your doctor. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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