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falling hair

hi, i am 16 years and i have been loosing hair recently which i believe is because of some allergic reaction. This is the second time it has happen and after this time i found that i am allergic D-Panthenol which is in some hair creams and gels. i don't use products with D-panthenol any more but after the last time i used it, my hair is falling at a terrible rate so i would be really happy to hear some suggestions on how i could stop the hair fall and go back to my natural hair... last time henna helped a lot in reducing hair loss... also is this type of hair loss common and is it possible for it to return to its original???
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I would sugest to take Vit D-600 IU,Vit  E  400 IU and Vit C 100mg a day ,Religiously and your hair will not fall out...it's so stressed and malnurished that ehenever you use D-panthenol it's falling out...Don't use any of these store bought shampoos and conditiones-they contain too much of many chemicals that this product is composed of.
And if you are not eating balanced diet 75 % of RAW vegetables and fruits it will continue to fall out. I have been dealing with this every seazon especially in winter and since I was diagnosed with cancer I changed my diet and jump on a vitamin wagon my hair is unbelievable shiny strong and thick. Do not color your hair either.
I do think you should research internet Google "falling out hair and home remedies" and you will see.
Best regards, Sunes
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How are you doing now? Do you have any other symptoms other than the falling hair?

You could be allergic to more than one product at the same time, and also it would be difficult to isolate the exact cause of the allergic reaction.

You need to eat a well balanced nutritious diet with a lot of proteins and also replace any mineral and vitamin deficiencies in your daily food with supplements.

Use products approved or suggested by your doctor or allergy specialist.

Let us know what your doctor advises and also if you have any doubts.

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