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flaky rash

im a 25 yrs old female. i have always had very good, clear skin until very recently. i know for a fact that i have very sensitive skin which is why i refrain from experimenting on my face. i also drink lots of water and have at least 2 cups of green tea everyday. Recently about a year ago ive started developing some sort of rash on my face which has become more frequent in the past 3 months. the rash is white bumpy (sometimes red when its chronic) flaky skin that feels rough on my face if i touch. if you look at me from afar my face looks normal however, if u highlight my face in white light you can clearly see bumpy, flaky, rough white rash. id also like to mention that the rash looks white because of flaky skin. this rash comes back every 10 days, stays for 3-4 days until i apply a medicated cream prescribed by my doctor.
any advice given will be appreciated.
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the forum!
If you have seborrheic dermatitis of scalp then this can also affect your face. Dandruff in hair keeps falling on skin and affecting its texture. Acne can also be another cause. It could also be specific type of acne called white heads or comedones. Allergy to soap, oil, any eye cosmetic is also a possibility. The treatment will depend on the diagnosis.
Hope this helps. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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well, yes i do complain of dandruff in hair. however concerning a soap, i always use only a glycerine based face wash i also use eye cosmetic but always t ake it off before sleeping. what action do u suggest further as i do not want to wander to the doctors and not be able to get a solution to my problem.
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i have exactly the same type of rash.  starts a bit red..ends up flaky and dry. mine is starts behind ear...then sometimes on face and neck.
one doctor told me it was my hair dye. another said my shampoo . i have changed all of this but no help yet. No one seems to know what is causing it. I have used a steroid cream but that just covers up the problem.
would hope someone knows how to treat this??
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