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flat red round circles on legs

I noticed a couple of months ago, a couple of flat, non-itchy red circles on my legs.  I have looked up skin conditions, and find nothing really close to what these are, but the only reason why I ask is because my massage therapist (who I only see about 1 time in 3 months) noticed, and said she thought it was bigger, because she did not notice it the last time I came in.  They do not itch at all, and are not raised.
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Hello , im sorry to say but you may have ringworm which is a commen skin fungus , my tips are just go to a clinic and show a docter.
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1563533 tn?1345366296
I would see a dermatologist and make sure it is nothing serious
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The rash could be due to an allergen. The other causes could be due to a fungal infection, atopic dermatitis, contact dermatitis and scabies. Usually there is itching and some amount of inflammation with these conditions. But to exactly pin point the pathology you will need to consult your  primary care physician who will examine you an may ask for blood tests. If the need arises he may refer you to a dermatologist.

Take Care and Hope this helps!
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