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I am not sure if I am in the right place for what I am asking but we will try anyways... My son is 16 and he has they very bad rash on his feet. They also loeok like they have been cut open they bleed and hurt him really bad. We have to to dr. after dr. with this and they can not come up with what might be wrong. He has used all kids of cream and pills to clear this up not helping at at. He came to me to day to look at because it is hurting him to walk on it, this has been going now for like 3 yeart. If any one could be of any help I would appracte it (sorry for the miss spelling) It look worce now then it has ever looked
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1694492 tn?1372902994
My guess is dermatitis, lyme disease, allergies, or a type of skin condition.
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Hello and hope you are doing well.

The symptoms described by you could be due a skin disorder called eczema. People who suffer from this disorder should avoid contact with triggering factors like soaps, cosmetics, jewelry, clothing, and detergents. Sometimes sweat; changes in temperature and psychological stress are known to trigger these episodes. So, the best way to prevent attacks is to identify those substances which he is allergic to and avoid them. You can control the symptoms with prescription strength mild cortisone creams. Consult a dermatologist. Also, an allergy specialist can help to identify the allergens.

Hope this helped and do keep us posted.
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