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does eating garlic have implications for a woman conceiving a baby
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There is not a lot of information on garlic and fertility. The information available also is not backed by a lot of science.
Garlic can assist in improving fertility by neutralizing the acidity in the cervix and hence increasing sperm survival.
It is also believed to be effective against Candida, which is a fungus that can cause infertility by causing hormonal imbalance and endometriosis.
Garlic is a rich source of selenium which is needed for a healthy uterine (womb) lining.
Hope this helps.

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1077845 tn?1255903755
so, garlic is good for infertility, right?  what do i do if i'm allergic to garlic?  i'm 30, had one live birth when i was 17.  have not been able to get pregnant since then.  one doc diagnosed me with PCOS, however another doc took that diagnosis away a year ago.  in august i was diagnosed with some crazy food allergies, and it was rec'd i take up a gluten-free lifestyle due to my family's history of celiac.  my cycles have been all over the place since then.  cycle for 13 days, nothing for about 4 days, then another cycle for several days, then stop for a week, then start again.  that was my life for almost 5 months.  miserable.  as you can guess, was a killer for intimacy with my husband as well.  when i asked my doc, she just brushed it aside.  i haven't been back since that last visit with her in november.  i left her office in tears, cause she simply doesn't seem to care.  where do i start, what do i do?  if there are natural ways to increase chances of fertility i want to try them, but what do i do when it turns out i'm allergic to those methods?  just plan on being the mother to 1 and only 1?
please help me out here.  thanks!
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