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I recently vacationed in Colorado Springs and returned to South Dakota with hives.  I thought it was from spending alot of time in the sun and taking doxycyclene, so I waited 3 weeks before seeing a dr. They immediately took me off the doxycyclene but the hives keep recurring.  I have had two round of steriods with the hives coming back worse and spreading after being off the steriods for one week each time.  They now do not think it was drug related.  I had an ANA test which was off the charts. The Dermatologist took me off the steriods and I am now taking doxepin and allegra at night.  I feel like I am in a drug induced state most of the time in a 24 hour period and that only keeps the hives at bay.  They have also done a biopsy for lupus.  I honestly do not feel it is lupus but something related to our trip to Colorado.  What can be causing my hives?
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I get allergy issues everytime we would go to Hawaii over Christmas.  The thing is that they stopped after I returned home, so I am not sure that yours is related to the trip if you have been back for awhile.  Have you done anything different in your life except the trip?  New carpets, changed homes, fabric softner, laudry soap, shampoo, hand soap, body soap, perfume, or any other household cleaners?  
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I have not done anything different.  I have an appt in mid October with a rhuematologist.  I have been asked that before.  The hives are only on my upper back and chest and a little on my arms on the second go around.   I have noticed some starting on my shins now as well.  Not being from Colorado I thought maybe there was something there that I had a severe reaction to.
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if you have chronic hives which is auto immune, then unfortuatly these hives are going to become your new best friend to deal with.  There is something underlying that is causing them, but the problem is finding out what that problem is.  Only 20% of people will actually find out.  Good luck.
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