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high aso titre level (500). What should i do?

Iam 32 yr female from india. For the last seven years my aso titre is on the higher end i.e in between 250 to 500. In the year 2002 when my aso titre was found 450 doctors advised me to take penidure 12lac once in a month for 10 month, after completing the advised dose i had my titre test done in  which titre came down to 175, after that doctors advised me not to take anymore, symptoms in those years were morning stiffness and iching sensation in ear, nose and throat.Morning stiffnesss in first joints of my hand,Iching sensation in ear, nose and throat is always there with me and it becomes high in winter season or when there is change in climate. This year (feb2009) i got my titre test done in which the result was again the same i.e 500. i would like to have your valuable advise regarding my higher titre level, kindly help me.

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doctor ,
recently in past 3 4 days my daughter was advised ASO + in one lab , and next day in  another lab it is -ve , please help to get correct information & specialist in Hyderabad or Bangalore , I sincerely appreciate your immediate feedback  , she is 9 years old & ASO results for both the labs

first lab report -  +ve result mentioned (numbers not mentioned)
Second Lab report  -ve (138 )

your feed back highly appreciated
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1365541 tn?1277932555
Thank you for a valued reply.  Please tell me what and how the allergy can be tested.  Whether any lab can test it?
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Iam 22 year old boy...from the last 2 year Iam facing countinous join pain...mainly on wrist and ankles...my ask level is 322.. what should I do ?
351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
High ASO titre is of extreme importance in <15 years age group and are a marker of streptococcal infection. In adults this has no significance unless there are specific symptoms related to streptococcal infection like sore throat, skin infections, heart symptoms or kidney symptoms. The titre will go down with penidure for sometime but this treatment is generally not required. I think you should not worry too much about your ASO titres. Get a complete heart and kidney checkup. If everything is fine do not worry.  This is my opinion. There is one thing you must remember that I have not examined you. Nor is it possible to share detailed history on net. It is not the same as talking face to face. Hence do consult rheumatologists for this.

Your symptoms point more towards rheumatoid arthritis and allergy. What is important is you must find out what is causing this allergy. Common allergens are pollen, mold, dust, pet dander, synthetic fiber, cosmetics or drugs. You must get an allergy test done, either a skin test or RAST, to know what you are allergic to.

Hope this helps. I think you should discuss these possibilities with your doctor. It is difficult to comment beyond this without examining. A comprehensive investigation is required keeping all the points in mind. Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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