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i have breathing so tight

i go to doctor to have x-ray of my pain then i found out no promblem.
but why now im still have this chest tight breathing,do you  think this is allergie?

This discussion is related to Confused about symtoms, suspecting allergy?.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Feeling of tightness in the chest and on breathing may be due to air borne allergies.Common air borne allergens are pollen,dust mites,molds and pet dander.Are you jhaving any runny nose,sneezing or appearance of any rashes?You can check out if allergies are acusing your symptoms by allergy tests like skin ***** tests and blood tests like RAST from an allergy specialist.

Other causes of chest tightness may be lung pathologies,cardiac causes and acid reflux.Take some ant acid like Mylanta or some PPI like prilosec and see if your symptoms improve.Costochondritis can also cause chest tightness.Warm compresses on the chest and anti inflammatory pain relievers like ibuprofen are useful in such cases.
Hope it helps.Pls do keep me posted.Take care and God bless.

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Oh it depends on so much. Do you have a history of asthma? Do you smoke? Has something in your surrounding or diet changed recently? Also - are these tight breaths accompanied by sweating, fear and/or shaking? Because sometimes when a doctor can't find a physical reason, it could be the manifestation of a mental or emotional condition - i.e.: a panic attack as the result of recently exacerbated anxiety.

Good luck!
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