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irritated membranes on lips and excessively dry mouth

Hi ,

I am asking on behalf of my husband who for around 6 months now has had inflammed inside of his lower lip and a very dry mouth that causes him discomfort.  It started on a trip to colorado he felt his tongue was swollen and under his tongue all the tags were inflamed and a little white groth was on his tongue.  He went to an oral surgeion in colorado and they took a biosy of this tag and it came back fine.  The dr. said it may just be an allergic thing.  Well the tags under the tongue have gone down but his mouth really irritates him dry and he says feels rough.  He went to a oral pathologist who thought it might be yeast took swab and it came back negative but she put him on anti fungal rinses for 4 week. He has had mild change.  The only thing that was different in his life was he had oral surgery on his gums and they put him on antiobiotics adn prednisone for inflamation.  The Dr. thought maybe these symptoms were side affects but these symptoms happened well after his surgery.  Anyone have any ideas on what to do next?  He is so sick and tired of the feelingin his mouth and he will not kiss me in case it is something wierd! I would appreciate any info or ideas on who to seek help from.

Lisa Rufo
2 Responses
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125112 tn?1217273862
Swollen tongue: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Glossitis

Dry mouth is called xerostomia and the causes: http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/dry-mouth/HA00034/DSECTION=3

Good luck!
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I have a similar issue. Oddly enough this started about 2 weeks after having some dental work done. I still have a cracked tooth but my dentist said that it is very small and if it doesn't bother me too much, to leave it for now.
I've had these little white bumps under my tongue, on the roof of my mouth towards the back and on the inside of my lower lip for about a year and a half. They do not hurt. They are uncomfortable as my mouth feels rough using my tongue. They just appeared one day. I have been going to many specialist in Vancouver over the past year and a half and have stumped them all so far. I've had WBC, RBC, Hemoglobin, Hematocrit,MCV, MCH, MCHC, RDW, Platelet count, Neutrophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes, Eosinophils, Basophils, Cholesterol, Triglyceride, HDL, Ratio T chol:HDL, LDL chol, Glucose fasting, ESR, Albumin, Alpha-1, Alpha-2, Beta, Gamma, Pattern, TSH, Glucose random,C Reactive protein, HIV serology and Rapid plasma regain blood tests. These tests were done over 3 visits and 3 months. All results were in the normal range. I've also had multiple swabs and scrapings of the little white bunps. Each time I'm told that whatever it is, it could not be grown but under the microscope, it appears to be yeast. I've been on Nystatin, Clotrimazole lozenges and Fluconazole to no avail.
Most recently I've had a biopsy done from under my tongue. The biopsy samples were sent for viewing under a uscope and for growing. As with the swabs and scrapings, they could not grow anything. I was shown the slides of the biopsy samples. The Dr. still thinks that the dots are yeast. It appears that during the cutting of the biopsy, some of the “yeast” was pushed into the lower tissue. Looking at the slides, he said that it does appear to be yeast but not a common strain. Normally the yeast has a couple of arms but the yeast I have has many and is similar to a bunch of grapes. My body does not see it as foreign and is not attacking it. The next step is for my Dr. to make an appointment with a microbiologist that specializes in yeast. My Dr. willl show the slides and hopefully they can identify the strain in order to determine the drug to eliminate it.
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