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itching allergy

Hi. I hope someone can shed some light. I am not even sure if it is an allergy.

For the last few weeks I have been suffering from a bothersome itch all over my body. Externally only. It feels as if a bug is crawling and then it stops and delivers a tiny ***** as if with a pin. It also feels as when you have an almost invisible strand of hair dangling that bothers and I makes you itch.  It happens all over, from the head to the toes, it could be in just one spot or simultaneously on two or three spots. If when I feel it I don’t scratch, the itch remains and intensify until I scratch, and then I feel it somewhere else.  Some times it is so intense that it wakes me up.

There is no sign of hives, redness, welts or anything that suggest bites or skin irritation.

I have tried allergy medicines but do not seem to work. My diet and eating habits have not change to suggest that I may be something new that I am eating.

I hope someone has some suggestions.

Thank you very much for your help

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563773 tn?1374246539

Yours is a case of generalized itching. It can be due to some skin disease or it can be a symptom of some underlying pathology.

Did you have jaundice or liver disease lately? It can lead to generalized itching.

As much as possible avoid persistent scratching or rubbing of the skin. Long fingernails are always a no-no as it can cause skin damage with scratching. During bedtime, be sure to wear loose, cool, and light clothes. Use non-allergenic soaps and then apply soothing skin lotion to provide smoothness and cooling effect. You can also apply calamine lotion.

Cold compresses can alleviate the discomfort cause by the skin itch. Do not expose the affected area with too much heat or moisture.

You can take some antihistaminic like benadryl or Claritin. Also apply some Corticosteroids, such as hydrocortisone cream on the itchy areas. A well-balanced diet that includes carbohydrates, fats, minerals, proteins, vitamins, and liquids will help to maintain skin health.

If the symptoms still persist then pls consult a dermatologist to find out the underlying cause as treatment will depend on the same.

Take care and do keep us posted on how you are doing.
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No idea what might be happening but I thought I'd share this story with you.

I had that when my dog had fleas. The hatchinglings were in the bedding and carpet. Just felt like my legs were on fire up to my knees when I walked across the carpet. Never visible nor did it leave marks on me. Just a little poke feeling and then lots of itching for about 15 minutes. Then another spot. All I would feel was something like an eyelash dropping on my skin. I looked at the dog and there was all the proof I needed to explain that. I had the carpet cleaned and washed my bedding, shaved the dog and treated him for fleas. After a few days it all stopped.
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But it only happened in my house. No where else so I knew it was something external. If it happens everywhere I don't know.
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