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eyes go all watery and red and sensetive

well my eyes go all watery and red and sensetive and I have to blink all the time barely able to see and I rub them alot, when I am in malls or zellars or any big stors with tons of people!

I dont really have low self esteam but walking in a mall when I cant even really see while rubbing my eyes is not fun! I am worrying that this is mental and Im a 19yr male about 6'2ft and I need to get a job but when I try to enter a mall or stores and hand out resumes my eyes just start bugging about 10 mins after!

I have big blue eyes-they start feeling a sort of wind hitting them when irritated!- my eyes are perfectly normal walking everywhere else im starting to go crazy thinking im alergic to people :P not really but you know!!

anyway if anyone can help me out id be really great-full !
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351246 tn?1379682132
Welcome to the MedHelp forum!
Redness and watering in the eyes can be due to allergy, dry eyes, a turned in eyelash, foreign body in the eye, corneal ulcer, conjunctivitis, glaucoma and in case of high blood pressure or coughing, it can be due to hemorrhage under the conjunctiva. It can also be a sign of stress, eye strain or poor eye sight. Please consult an eye specialist.
Hope this helps. Take care!
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I have no alergys , I have got my eyes checked out last year and she said they were better than most peoples eyesight!

went to the doctor and he ignorantly thought I was taking drugs when I told him the symptoms! he was an *** and I told him Im leaving!.

this only happens in crowded areas not anywhere else, Maybe Im just thinking about them too much and created some kind of psychosis about it ! well this has been fairly new since about a few years ago! I have a very stressfull life but Ive always had that growing up with a mother who drinks!

anyway its just annoying not being able to walk around wallmart to shop and then my eyes start feeling a dry air hitting them after about 10 mins lol!

anyway its just goin to be tough finding a job
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i have the same thing i think it could be all the dust generated.i find that opticrom eye drops do the trick,hope this helps.also have you changed your shampoo lately?
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I have the same problem! and it only happens when I go to the mall alone, every time!
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