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itchy vagina & sharp knife pain like.

Why does my vagina  so itchy, swollen, redish, irritating and why does my anas so itchy, difficult to poo, sharp pain like crack, blood on a tissue when i wipe. please help me, iam a 22-year-old-woman who is still a virgin. help me please!
2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, vaginal irritation can be seen in dryness of vagina, contact dermatitis, allergy to garments and Vulvovaginitis (candida [yeast] or trichomonas). Vulvo vaginitis is seen secondary to improper personal hygiene. Whereas contact dermatitis can be due to irritation which is mediated by histamine release. This dermatitis can later be complicated by candidiasis.

You need to undergo vaginal smear and wet mount to rule out candida and trichomonas. it should be treated with appropriate antibiotics. In addition you need to maintain good personal hygiene.  In general, therapy includes local estrogen, use of lubricants and appropriate antibiotic against prescription will be helpful.

The blood in stools can be due to piles or anal fissures due to tear of anal or rectal wall due to passage of hard stools. The general measures to be taken are drink adequate fluids; take high fiber diet supplementation; stool softeners to loosen the stools and warm bliz baths should be used. Nitroglycerine ointment will be helpful to relieve spasm and to be taken against prescription. I suggest you to consult a gynecologist for evaluation and treatment accordingly. Take care and regards.
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1386405 tn?1291587800
Sounds like maybe you could have a very bad yeast infection and if the blood is from your rectal area when you wipe that could be from hemorrhoids

I would suggest maybe seeing a doctor to find out for sure if it is a yeast infection you could try eating some yogurt that may help
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