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joint pain associated with hives

I am a 25 year old female who has been having  different size and shapes hives/rashes.on my legs and arms  off and on for the pass 3 weeks.they appear afternoon to evening lasting through the night.they are associated wth joint  severely in the finger,wrist and legs.anyone with similar symptons please response.
benadryl works but not for long.
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It sounds like you need to see a physician and get a physical exam done and some blood tests. Your physician should also check you thoroughly for swollen lymph nodes.
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This seems to be a dysfunction of the immune system and will require blood tests to come to a diagnosis.
Sometimes viruses can trigger of hives and joint pain as part of a systemic disorder.
In the meanwhile you can take oral anti-histamines for the hives and apply a soothing lotion to the skin like Calamine.
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thanks everyone
i found out that it was onset adult stills disease.but i don't really believe that.i got fluid taken out of my knee and was given an injection i think i was cortizone and i feel very good now pain free in a way.am still taken diclofenac and was prescribe plaquenil
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1201401 tn?1265825254
hi cammy

I have the same symptoms too and i was just wondering if you have given birth to in the past year or so because my symptoms happend a year after i had my first child.
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