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kind of weird!

Around february of this year, one afternoon, after I used the restroom at work. I started burning in the bottom part of my penis. then later that evening it started getting worse and the burning was more in the foreskin, dry mouth and some kind of light burning on my lips and tonsils. I went to the ER that night, they gave me penicillin. I took it for about 10 days. During the 10 days I felt better but once I finished the meds, everything came back to the same. Then I started getting worse and worse, untill one night it was unbearable, I started running a fever and the burning spread to the area around the anus, I went to the ER again, gave me a different antibiotic, felt better, once I finished the meds came back to the same! then seen 2 different doctors, one of them was my family doctor, she sent for colonoscopy cause I started to bleed but very little time to time when I have a bowel movment, the bleeding was exterior though cause the area around the anus was starting to be cracked, stays humid though, a yellowish liquid. Still suffering, the only thing I can think of is an allergic reaction to something on the toilet paper. Any answers? I really do need that! Thank you in advance!
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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!

There is a possibility that the two things are unrelated. Bleeding from anus could be due to hemorrhoids or piles, fissures, even an allergic reaction, or due to irritable bowel syndrome or even ulcerative colitis.
Get a culture sensitivity test for both semen and urine done. Infections like UTI, prostatitis, epididymitis or orchitis need to be ruled out. Please do not take further antibiotics without sensitivity test.
Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!
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Any suggestions please?
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