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light headed

I have been having light headed(dizzy spells) through out the day I am functional but I am wondering could this be from medication that I am taking called angeliq (estrogin/Depoestrogin) or my sinuses which have been god awfully since christmas.  
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What is your age? Since when have you been taking the medications and why were you prescribed these medications?

What symptoms do you have? Have you got your blood pressure and blood sugar checked? Is it in the normal range? Are you eating properly?

What symptoms of sinusitis are you having?

Have you tried steam inhalation, saline nasal drops for your sinusitis? Has it helped with the symptoms?

Post us the above details so that we may be able to help you with your queries.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.

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I am fifty post menaposal, I take flonase and zertec, I was on allegra but changed.  I was prescribed these medications.  I check my bood pressure and I have No blood sugar issues last time I checked which was my annual.
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You should eat a healthy balanced diet and replace any deficient vitamins, minerals or nutrients with appropriate supplements.

Do you have any other symptoms like pain in the arms or forearms or tingling and numbness?  

What hormonal pills are you taking and at what dose?

What happens when you have the dizzy spells? Is there a black out? Have you fainted ever?

Let us know about how you are doing and post us if you have any other doubts.

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No numbeness, no pain anywhere  and the dissy spell very slight like a blink of the eye and I'm okay.  I have have never blacked out before or fainted out.  I have had the lightheadness before it was a sinus problem last February.  
I am taking angelia tablets .5mg/1mg (drospiennonr/Estradiol).
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From what you have metioned so far,and uling out al other possible causes of the  dizziness - the drug 'angeliq' now comes under suspicion.

Dizziness is a documented side effect of the medication and you could read the details about the drug at the following link-


Let us know if you have any further queries.

You could talk to your doctor about this and also if you could take some alternative medications or if the dose could be altered.

Let us know about how you are doing and what your doctor advises.


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Thank you.
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Glad the posts were of help to you.

It would be nice of you to follow up about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts or queries.

Let us know about any symptomatic improvement and whether the medication has been changed.

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