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my baby's reaction to amoxicillin

My ten month old has had the flu this week and was previously treated for an ear in fection last week with amoxicillin.  After taking it for ten days he woke up today with a horrible break out all over his little face and body.  After meeting our doctor at the office on a sat, he seemed to think it was a reaction.  We have one dose of benydryl in, but it has actually worsened and spread since this afternnon.  It looks horrific!  Are there any serious concerns I should have now or does it just look awful until it clears up?
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To everyone giving your child any type of antibiotic (actually, even if you're taking it yourself): Antibiotics generally kill off all bacteria in the body, including the good kind. This is why the most common side effect from taking an antibiotic is a yeast infection- both in boys and girls, and it can also spread beyond the genital area (believe me, I got a yeast infection in my face. worst. thing. ever.) The best thing to do to prevent or counteract this is to take probiotics along with an antibiotic. Most doctors won't tell you this offhand, but if you ask them, they'll agree. For adults, its readily found at any pharmacy- acidophilus and bifidus cultures, the same as found in yogurt (though the capsules are much more potent). For infants, they do carry powdered probiotics, though it's much harder to find (generally you can find it-refridgerated- in a natural grocer) and also much more expensive (it runs about 25 dollars, as opposed to the 'adult' version which will cost you five to ten). Even so, it's worth the cost. It can take your body years to build up a normal level of good bacteria again after a bout of antibiotics-which can lead to many other infections and problems, including reoccuring yeast infections. If your child has a horrible diaper rash that just won't go away-it's most likely a yeast infection. And the nystatin cream is an antifungal, used to treat yeast infections (and other fungal infections)- I'd definitely recommend it, it's helped my child and I out immensely! (She had reoccurring yeast infections for the first three months of her life due to an antibiotic that they put me on when I was breastfeeding, and we just kept giving it back and forth to each other. It always went straight to my face, it was torture!)
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What is the proper dosage for a 10 month old that weighs 20lbs. He has a ear infection and the dr gave him 400mg/5ml of amoxicillin twice a day? Is this too high of a dosage?
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I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY HAVEN'T STOP THIS MEDICATION!!!!!!!My son had a mild ear infection last friday the the er doc gave us amox for 10 days.The first two days he thruw it up and the he got the rush all over his chest and belly,his back,arms even in his privet area.The next day he was fine so i thought that it was from his t-shirt even though I havent change the detergent.Today we had a check up with his doctor and the rash came back and when we ask him what can cause it he said a viral infection and that it has nothing to do with his medication.As a disbeliever and second guessing everithing those docters are telling me about my son's health and devolopment I start googling for parents with the same problem and now I am stopping amoxi.My son is fine and he has maybe 2 dozes to take from it but I am not risking.I hope this antibiotic is banned.
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My daughter is 2 and I am going through the same thing. She has hives and a red rash all over her body. Her face started to swell and her eyes were about swollen shut. I took her to the ER and they gave us benadryl and steroids and sent us home with a script to take the steroids for another 2 days and benadryl every 6 hours. She seemed to get worse and worse. I took her to her regular doctor Monday and he also prescribed zantac for her. He also gave us an epi pen as well. We are 4 days now and the symptoms have only gotten worse with time. Does anyone know if this rash will cause any permanent scaring?
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My 5 year old was treat with amoxicillan for an ear infection from teh pediatrician after we finished up she still complained her ear was hurting. I went to a Urgi Center and they gave her Cedifir? (not sure of spelling), she was on that for another week . her last dose was on a thursday, by tuesday she was all red rashed all over, took her to the ped. told  us to give her benedryl every 6 hours and it should go away in a week. it is now sat and she still has them. not a weeek yet but when is this going to stop? it's not getting worse but not cleared up . the rashed come and go in different spots. i carry benedryle with me. 2 trips to the Ped and spoke with the Ped over teh phone. they assured me it's a reaction to the amox. My little one has been on benedryle since tuesday and they tell me it's ok. very fustrated and feel terrible that she is going thru this. it's comforting to knwo that it's very common and i'm not alone
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I just wanted to follow up with you guys about what happened when I took my son to the hospital. His pediatrician told me it was due to a common skin virus. However, I must say I disagree with her on many levels. First, I think an allergy test should have been done, regardless of her opinion of it being harmless. Secondly, if I hadn't had pictures, she had planned on guessing from pictures in a book she had. I had to insist he never be given the medication again. I think parents should use their own common sense. She tried to explain how it was contagious but we didn't get it. Then she said it was because only babies get it. All I know is when I stopped the medication, the rash went away and it got worse with each dose. You know its ok to say you don't know. Even I can make an educated guess, only I don't get paid to do so.
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