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my baby's reaction to amoxicillin

My ten month old has had the flu this week and was previously treated for an ear in fection last week with amoxicillin.  After taking it for ten days he woke up today with a horrible break out all over his little face and body.  After meeting our doctor at the office on a sat, he seemed to think it was a reaction.  We have one dose of benydryl in, but it has actually worsened and spread since this afternnon.  It looks horrific!  Are there any serious concerns I should have now or does it just look awful until it clears up?
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My daughter is 11 m.o.  She has had two ear infections, with the first being treated by amoxicillin, for 10 days, about a month ago or so.  No problems.  She was again put on amoxicillin, approximately a week ago.  She woke up yesterday morning with a 103 degree fever, which fluctuated from 101-104 throughout the day (when she didn't have Motrin in her).  Not knowing anything, I gave her her dose of amox yesterday morning.  She was pretty lethargic all day and slept most of it.  I gave her a dose of Infant Motrin in the early afternoon.  Called the dr. about 3 and they wanted to see her around 5.  By the time I got to the dr., she had some red, hivish spots, but very mild.  They said it was most likely an amox allergy and to stop that (ear fine).  I was torn between that and whether or not she might be having a reaction to Motrin (as she had never had that before yesterday).  By evening her eyes were swelling shut and spots were everywhere...not just "spots", but welts.  I have been giving her Benadryl, which they said to do.  I'm just wondering how much worse this can expect to get before it gets better?  Also, I placed a call to the dr. in the early evening with my concerns, and he wasn't too sympathetic.  Thanks for any input.  
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My son is 11 months old.  He had an ear infection and was put on amoxicillin 8 days ago.  Yesterday he woke up with little spots everywhere on his body.  He wasn't itchy and he was actually happy.  
I took him to his doctor and she said that it was a viral infection and that it just has to run it's course.  She said no benedryl but stop the amox because his ear infection was gone.  All day yesterday he was getting more and more red dots, soon his face was almost fully covered by them along with his body and a lot on his back.  He started crying a lot and it was really hard for him to sleep.  This morning we went back to the doctor because he became very itchy and he was scratching and rubbing his feet together.  The spots got bigger and spread out more.  This time we saw the same doctor and she said that it was looking more like a penicillin reaction.  She perscribed XYZAL and Zyrtec for the night time.  After the first dose of XYZAL he seemed to be a little more playful and actually let me put him down.  His dots seem to be getting lighter on his back but still pretty red on his face.  Does anybody know how long this should last for?  How long will he be itchy for? When will the rash go away?
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Wow.. i am going through the exact same thing right now! My son is 6 months old and was givin Amox 8 days ago for a ear infection. Today he woke up with a horrible bumpy rash from head to toe. I just took him to the ER and they pretty much said they didnt know what was causing it. They said to stop the amox just in case its from that. I thought it was chicken pox but from what im reading it might be from the meds! Im giving him benedryl for now. We have a appt with his dr tomorrow so hopefully she can tell us what it is.
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I have seen several comments about a bad diaper rash while taking this antibiotic. All 3 of my boys have experienced the same while on it. All 3 times my Dr has prescribed a cream called Nystatin, which works wonders! It might take a few days to clear it up, depending on how severe the rash is. And my 2 yr old son is on Amoxicilin right now & just developed a rash on his body as well. Mostly on his legs, arms, neck & stomache. I took him right in this morning to the Pediatrician & she said that it's just a reaction to the medicine & is actually called an "amox rash". As long as they aren't hives, it doesnt appear to be an allergic reaction, (which can be dangerous) I am just going to watch him closely over then next few days, but she also told me to discontinue giving him the prescription. He has been on it 5 days. He seems to act normal, so I am not too worried. BUT....it's SO much better to be safe than sorry!!! Take your child in if you are concerned, that's all there is to it! :) Good luck everyone!
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Here's a new one for all of you. My 6 month old son was given Amoxicillan last Tuesday (3 days ago) for an ear infection. I am severely allergic to penicillin. Now I am breaking out in hives and feeling absolutely terrible. I called the pharmacist and was told that I am being exposed to the penicillin through my son's drool and spit up. He is 6 months old so all he does is drool because he's getting teeth. And if he drools or spits up on my skin, it soaks in and is causing me to have an allergic reaction. I called his doctor and they put him on a different medication today. They said he won't be able to take that medicine until he gets older and stops the drooling and spitting up. So just beware if you are allergic penicillin that your child being on it can actually affect you too.
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I recently had two wisdom teeth extracted and the doctor prescribed me Amoxiciliin. I am 31 years and I am rarely sick. So I took the Amoxicillin.
24 hours later I noticed an itchy feeling around my decolletes area. After 48 hours I discovered a red rash on neck and decolletes. By this time  I had taken the Amoxicillin for 3 days. I stopped taking it but the rash got worse and it was not itching anymore - it hurt like a really bad sunburn and my entire right shoulder was swollen, my nymph knots were swollen and my armpit hurt badly. At night it would hurt so bad that I would wake up and could not go back to sleep. At day it felt like I was carrying a big bag filled with tons of books over my right shoulder. I started taking Benadryl but I did not nice a relief for 5 more day. Then it started getting better but very slowly. I still have the last signs of the rash and it still hurts slightly. Since i noticed the rash its been almost 2 weeks. The doctor said I can never take antibiotics from the Penicillin family again or it will be worse. He mentioned difficulties breathing etc.
I hope my post helps some of you because I did not know what it was how long it takes how to fight etc. either. I don't think you can really do a lot. Just be careful that you don't take it again.
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