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neosporin allergy

does anyone know what kind of antiseptic is safe to use when u are allergic to neosporin? i just had an awful reaction to it and being a bit of a klutz, i need to know what i can use the next time i get a cut.
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Neosporin is made up of 3 antibiotic medications. It is my understanding that if you are allergic to Neosporin, you should try ointments with only one of the other antibiotics - Bacitracin or Polysporin? Hope this helps.
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563773 tn?1374246539

Neosporin ointment contains three different antibiotics: bacitracin, neomycin, and polymyxin B.You can be allergic to any of them.What kind of injury are you having?Is it an abrasion or a cut.

Two most important dangers of these wounds is Bleeding and Infection. Bleeding can be controlled immediately by tightly pressing the wound with a sterile gauze. If the bleeding does not stop with in few minutes, it indicates that a blood vessel has been cut and such a wound would require a stitch. You should consult a physician if the bleeding does not stop. The second important issue in wound care is to prevent the infection.

To prevent infection of the wound,pls clean the wound with dettol and maintain hygiene. An antiseptic cream such as Polysporin or neosporin should be used only when the wound is dirty, for puncture wounds and for wounds showing early signs of infection. Clean healing wounds do not require antibiotics beyond the first day.

If you still want to use an antiseptic on the wound,you can go in for betadene.Before applying betadene on the cut,pls applya little amount on the skin of the forearm at the elbow joint and look for any redness.If it appears then you may be allergic to betadene also.Then you have to get allergic tests like skin tests and patch tests to find out which antiseptic is safe for you.
Hope it helped.

Take care and regards

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