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Pressure headaches

In the spring and fall primarily, I experience these headaches that I describe more as a pressure sensation. I have some pain with them, sometimes throbbing. But describe them as more a feeling of alot of pressure in my head
that is accompanied by dizziness, fatigue and light and sound sensitivity and clumsiness. I have an overall feeling
of being SICK. I get relief by lying still in a quiet dark room. It is aggravated by  moving around. My doctor thought
it was a sinus migraine and gave me some sample migraine meds to try and I get limited relief from them as well
as Ibuprofen and tylenol. I take psueophed for them as well. Most of the time when the weather systems pass and
the weather stabilize I recover. I have been known to be affected for many days at a time, espec if we have many
changes in the weather patterns. I have missed work today because of this, it gets really discouraging to think I
can do nothing for this. I have alot of mold allergies, in addition to other allergies. I take the usual itinerary of allergy
meds that are available. I did shots for 2 yrs without  alot of success, I suspect due to the high degree of
mold allergies I have. I am not especially sniffly or sneezy or drippy at present. Just dealing with a great deal
of head pressure, fatigue and dizziness...does anyone have any suggestions regarding being sensitive to changes
in the barometric pressure  and does this go hand in hand with allergies, does allergies to molds exacerbate this....
is my brain swelling up, cause that is what it feels like...
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Sinusesare airspaces within the bones of the face.The sinuses are connected with the nose. They are lined with the same kind of skin found elsewhere within the respiratory tract. This skin has tiny little hairs projecting from it, called cilia. The cilia beat constantly, to help move the mucus produced in the sinuses into the respiratory tract. The beating cilia sweeping the mucus along the respiratory tract helps to clear the respiratory tract of any debris, or any organisms which may be present. When the lining of the sinuses is at all swollen, the swelling interferes with the normal flow of mucus. Trapped mucus can then fill the sinuses, causing an uncomfortable sensation of pressure and providing an excellent environment for the growth of infection-causing bacteria.
Sinusitis is almost always due to an infection, although swelling from allergies can mimic the symptoms of pressure, pain, and congestion; and allergies can set the stage for a bacterial infection.
Fungal sinusitis will require surgery to clean out the sinuses. Then, a relatively long course of a very strong antifungal medication called amphotericin B is given through a needle in the vein (intravenously).
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518001 tn?1212419235
It sounds like you're having migraines.  I get most of mine when rain is coming or it's very humid.
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Wet a face flanel for y hed with pepermint oil and a heat pad back of y neck Dorothy
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