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people allergic to people

Has anyone ever heard of people being allergic to people?
Well it is ruining my life and wondered if anyone knew anything
about it.
People have nasel and throat problems within a few min of me coming
in their room/house/business.
People with asthma/breathing problems to begin with will FLARE UP QUICK when around me!
I don't talk to anyone i know about this.....would be embarresed.
need help please!
81 Responses
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I think it has to do something with parasites i also have PATM (people allergic to me)
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I want to knw the same thing because every single time i meet with my boyfrien he gets alergies and endup sick in flues ans sneezing im tired of it im scared that one day it gets seriouse and he end up in hospital i really dont knw what to do
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I want to knw the same thing because every single time i meet with my boyfrien he gets alergies and endup sick in flues ans sneezing im tired of it im scared that one day it gets seriouse and he end up in hospital i really dont knw what to do
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OMG!  I'm wondering if this is going on with me too.  I hate to even write this but I think I'm allergic to my grand baby.  It saddens me to even think this and no way can I ever mention this to my daughter.  She would be devastated.  Since my granddaughter's birth in January 13, I have been afflicted with terrrible yeast rashes in my armpits.  The very first time it happend, I had blotches in my arm pits, across my stomach and sides.  Given they lived (at that time) in the mid-west and I'm on the east coast, I would heal but when the baby came to visit again, with in 24 hours, I'm broken out again.  I was with them for a week, 2 weeks ago, broke out - came home healed (with the use of coconut oil and tea tree oil), was back with them again this past weekend (am now broken out again).  I don't know what to do.  I'm so sad about this thought.
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Wow I think I feel better after reading some of these comments I I'm allergic to people they can't read DNA results. One of the only test that claim to be 99.99% accurate and this country of America people get it 100% wrong.
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Ok, I am glad I found this forum. There is a person I work with that makes me sick or rather experience symptoms every time I am within her vicinity. If I come close to her or she talks to me, within minutes I experience cold sweats (extreme), and start to lose my voice. Today I was driving home from work after being around her and became nauseous. My eyes became dry, and I almost passed out while driving. She showed no signs of being sick, but all this happened to me today after she spoke very close to me (in my face) while a fan was blowing in the area. If she speaks to me elsewhere, the same happens. I even told her nicely that something she wears is causing me to experience allergic reactions. I don't smell anything wrong in the air, but she did touch me today and my arm felt weird in that area. I washed it but I guess it was too late. I try avoidance (which works), but what can you do when someone who causes or is a catalyst for this type of reaction is seeking you out for work related issues that its within your area to resolve? To make it home I had to drink 2 two bottles of orange juice to bring me around. When I got home I gargled my throat with Listerine and thick flem was released from around my left tonsil (which swelled while around her). I am going to shower to relieve my body of anything that may have stayed on me from contact with her or being around her and the fan at her workstation. I hate being sick, and I don't want to run for cover when she comes around, and I certainly don't want to be rude to her to protect myself, but I am at my wits end. What can I do?
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My boyfriend is allergic to me, I lie on his shoulder when we sleep, and that arm is getting intense eczema, and red blotches, and he gets red itchy eyes. I got rid of all my shampoo and conditioner, and got the purest kind possible, and washed the hell out of all my clothes with healthy detergent that he was using before I came back to his town, he wasn't allergic while I was away but now he is, big time. So weird. I think it may be my sweat. I have been eating things I am sensitive to with my allergies, like tomato, and lots of sugar and caffine. I think it may be an acidity thing, like my sweat is acidic. Not sure, but I feel like if i ate what I usually eat, when he's not cooking, he would not be reacting to intensely with me. Also someone wrote something about nausea around others. I am a shamanistic healer, and we can create cords that link our energy with others, I have noticed that when I have an intense cord with someone, maybe from a past life, or an intense interaction, a past lover, I have have really intense nausea. Try going to a Reiki practioner for cord cutting that could help a lot. Or if that doesn't work, try out past life regression. Good luck everyone! Try changing your diet, it might be that you are allergic to something and sweating or breathing out allergins, that's what it feel like mine is.
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