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phlegm in throat

I have been too two doctors the first said acid reflux which is not so. the second doctors is running test on me now to find out what is wrong first he is checking for thyroid and if that is not the problem it is my tonisl will have to have them remove at the age of 44.
Will post information on what my test show have had the symtom for over 40 year and not my sinuis or alleryg which i have.
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563773 tn?1374246539

As far as I have understood the query,it seems to be related to phlegm in throat.This may be due to post nasal drip. Post-nasal drip (PND) occurs when excessive mucus is produced by the sinuses. The excess mucus accumulates in the throat or back of the nose. It can be caused by rhinitis, sinusitis, or laryngopharyngeal acid reflux. It can be enhanced or sometimes even caused by allergies.

Pls check out with an ENT specialist if you are having chronic rhinitis or sinusitis. If you have chronic sinusitis then it can lead to continuous production of mucus and less drainage leading to post nasal drip.Transillumination test and X-Ray or CT sinuses can help in diagnosing it. If allergic rhinitis is the cause of PND then it can be diagnosed by skin ***** tests or blood tests like RAST.

Hope it helps.Take care and pls do keep me posted in case you have any additional doubts.
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It can be even easier than that. You could alway ask your doc to try free samples of Nasal Sprays for rhinitis, sinusitis. If it works than you know what it is. Then you need to figure out why it happens like if it is allergy or sinusitis and treat it more specifically if you want to. Once way to rule in allergy is antihistamine like Benedryl. If you take an antihistamine and it stops it's more likely rhinitis. Antihistamine does not always rule out an allergy if antihistamine fails to stop it. But if allergy you should be somewhat less or no mucus while on antihistamine. Sounds pretty common and there are lots of things to treat it if this mucus production is from one of these.

If none of this works you can try a product called NasalCrom sold most places. It is a non-steroid drug that stops a mucus cell from reacting to an irritant fume or allergy. It only works where it makes contact with. So you need to spray it up the nose and breath in to get it up there. I only spray 1 nostril since I need it to drip down my throat where my mucus is produced. My nose is always mucus free. The the nasal spray finds its way from my nose to drip down my throat. Works FANTASTIC for that.

More options. I would do all this before going for Xrays and CT scans.
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Oh, acid reflux BURNS!!!!!!!!! You would know if it were that!
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