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rashes after contact.

i went to a market,it was  noon,suddenly a man came he was sweatin a lot,he hit upon my left hand..........is thr any risk of disease........thr are rashes too.........pls tell me all the possible disease it can cause......
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my husband has a problem with itching.he has seen a dermo. and he can not find anything. it is a constant itch specially while sleeping. he has tried all creams. is there any help he has had this problem for a while. have change all detergents ,body washes and is on atarax 25mg every 4 hours or as needed. he has high blood pressure.
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How are you? Can you elaborate on the rashes from the stranger? There are many kinds of skin rashes- and these can be benign, such as irritation; or may be infectious such as scabies or due to viral, fungal or bacterial causes.It is difficult to enumerate all skin conditions with limited information that we have. As long as you washed the area immediately after, the chance of preventing transmission is higher. Also, taking ascorbic acid supplements may help strengthen your immune system. At this point, we need to observe if any symptom appears and if there are, to have this checked by your doctor for  further evaluation. Take care and do keep us posted.
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