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Any tips for throwing up toddler w acid reflux and asmtha??

My toddler is 17 months old 2 month premmature. She has acid reflux and asmtha. She goes through spurts of throwing up. Today she threw up 5 times in 1 hour. Please help!! Is there anything i can give her. Do for her?? I do not want her getting dehydrated!!
Tha nks
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, when child is less than 1 year, will regurgitate gastric into esophagus 10-15 times. But rarely child throws up. But at the age of 17 months it is unusual. She needs to be evaluated for such symptoms.

Esophageal pH and impedance monitoring, Radiographic studies and Endoscopic studies will help to rule out the conditions. It will check for any abnormalities present in the esophagus and also the grading of acidity.

Acid reflux may be associated with respiratory disorders like recurrent stridor, chronic cough, recurrent pneumonia, reactive airway disease etc. In her case it is associated with asthma. Acid reflux can also present as wheezing in few cases.

Milk-free diet-
In such case milk free diet should be given becouse some children may have cow's milk protein intolerance, or dietary protein-induced gastroenteropathy. Sources of soy protein should also be avoided.

Thickening feeds:
Thickening the feeds is known to improve the symptoms and reduce the frequency of vomiting. She also should be given oral rehydration solution to prevent dehydration.

I suggest you to consult pediatrician. Take care and regards.

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It is best to call her doctor on this one.
Is she coughing so hard she throws up?
Is her acid reflux well controlled?
Does she have a virus?
There are so many variables that a doctor really needs to assess the cause for effective treatment.

Take care.
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