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rhinitis or Sinus infection? Please Help

Please please can someone help me
In April I kept getting really dry throat etc, Then developed a cold, then post nasal drip constantly!!! I was given 7 days of Co-amoxclav then it still has not gone so I went back to my GP he prescribed another 10 days of 500mg Co-amoxclav, then After symptoms did not disappear he sent me for sinus x-ray this confirmed Thickened Mucus membranes at which point my DR referred me to a ENT. Saw the ENT three weeks ago who after allergy testing confirmed non-allergic rhinitis. He prescribed a nose spray called Nasex. I am still suffering with terrible headaches like a pressure like pain across my forehead, Thick clear mucus, occasionally it's yellow ish. I have resigned from my job as I have been taking too many sick days and im really at my wits end. I have tried many different brands of antihistamines and I have also tried many herbal remedies including apple cider vinegar and I wash out my sinus daily with baking soda and sea salt. The only temporary relief I get is taking Sudafed.
Forgot to mention that when I saw the ENT I also had a CT scan, the results only showed slight thickening (he did not seen concerned)  (Could the negative resuly be becasue I had just finished another course on antiobiotics?)  I also get a pain in my neck underneath my ear lobes that feels like my ears are full................occasional face pressure both sides (although never at the same time!)  From occasion I get a burning sensation in my nose and also get nosebleed in the ,morning although only slight. Please can anybody help me im getting desperate im not due to see the specialist until November again!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANNOT TAKE ANYMORE OF THIS HEADACHE!!!!!!!!!
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Hello there

I forgot to mention that I have also tried Nasofan to no avail!

Well not due back to the ENT clinic until November, I cant hold on that long!

I dont know what to do, this had affected me in a big way, I have gone form having agreat job to becoming unemployed!
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Title: rhinitis or Sinus infection? Please Help

I can not know what is causing your problem. Just offing new medications to discuss with your doctor.
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It can also be possible that your nasal spray is adding to the headache.

Ask your doctor about a nasal spray called Nasacort. (takes 3 days)
Ask your doctor about a nasal spray called NasalCrom. (takes 2 weeks)
....(NasalCrom isn't that strong but might help)

The market is flooded with different nasal sprays and other medication. It might take a combination of medications. Ask your doctor to keep changing meds because they work differently. It might take time to find the right one. Ask for free samples. :) If medications are not effective there are other options that your doctor can discuss with you. If your doctor is out of ideas, see another.
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The complete name for "Nasacort AQ Nasal Spray". And always ask your doctor about how it will effect you before trying any medication!
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