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sinus headache question

For the past 2 months I've been suffering from a really bad headache. I went to see 4 headache specialists and was told by all 4 that this is a migraine. I suffered from migraines as a kid and the symptoms with this one felt very different from the migraines.

I feel constant pressure in my head, throbbing temples, my face feels swollen, pain behind my eyes, and right over the eyebrows. I'm not sensitive to light or sound as with a migraine but have trouble seeing and feel dizzy and lightheaded.

I was given numerous drugs by the doctors to try and break the cycle of the migraine and non of them worked. My husband and I had  a trip planned to florida to celebrate my birthday and while in florida i didn't have a single headache. The day after we got back home to Ny my headaches came back again.

I never had a single allergy to anything so the thought of this being a sinus thing never even crossed my mind plus I don't have a stuffy nose or any cold symptoms just constant headaches. I decided it was worth a shot to go see an allergist and to my surprise when she ran some skin tests it turned out that I'm allergic to almost everything including dogs. I have a yorkie. She also ran some sort of breathing test where she put some sort of wires in my nose and asked me to breath. That test revealed that I'm barely getting any oxygen through the nose. I'm scheduled to have a nose endoscopy next week and I'm actually praying that something will show up because these headaches are truly keeping me from everything.

My question is to those of you that suffer from allergies is it possible to have a sinus problem that causes these horrific headaches but not have a runny nose or stuffy nose?
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I CAN FINALLY SLEEP AT NIGHT!!         The  way I was feeling before I was not getting sound sleep and it feels so good to be able to sleep almost normally again!  The bad headaches have subsided with just one slight one (compared to the killer ones before!) which Excedrine Migraine took care of.                                                                                                                              By the way, anyone with MIGRAINE headaches owes it to themselves to try Excedrine Migraine.  I, also, for about the past 5 years had been having migraine headaches in relationship to my monthly cycle and they've progressively gotten more frequent.  But a friend recommended Excedrine Migraine and if I take it when I feel one coming on, it usually knocks it out pretty good.  Still have a bit of that "squeezed brain" feeling but the main thing is that the headache is gone!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Anyway, it looks like this nasal spray is helping with my swollen eustachian tube which apparently has relieved all of that pressure in my sinuses and most of the tingling sensation I was getting.  Still have had a few times when the tingling would occur just on my left cheek area to the corner of my left eye and a little bit and the base of my head up to the crown, but not like before.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         I almost feel like my old (not literally!) self!!    I hope, BerryGood, that you are feeling better and have found some medication to help you out.  Will keep updating.                                                                                                                                                                                                
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I've just come across this forum while seeking information and answers to why I'm feeling the way I do.  About 5 weeks ago, I jumped into a pond and got water in my ears and up my nose.  That night I awoke with a terrible pain in my left jaw and had it again about a week later. The only affect I had other than that was a bit of pressure in my ears (no sloshing).  I kept waiting for the water to drain but never did.  About 2 weeks ago, I was getting a little dizzy and started having a tingling sensation in my cheeks (along with a little flushness), tingling at base of my head and across my forhead, pressure in my whole head it seemed and on and off killer headaches (debilitating) and not really a stiff neck as I've read others have had but muscle tightness in my neck and mainly across my shoulders.  I like you don't have any nasal drainage nor down my throat.  

At first, I felt like I must have been imagining some of this till I started getting the headaches and tingling; then I started getting worried, thinking I might have something like meningitis, tumors, or the like.  I went to an ENT and all he found was my left eustachian tube was swollen, gave me nasal spray and said it should be better in 2 weeks. When I asked if the headaches and tingling sensation were related to my problem he said NO.  He recommended I get an MRI, which being in the mental state I was in and really not feeling well, scared me.  Of course, after talking with my husband we concluded now a days having an MRI is pretty common place which helped me not be so worried about it.

It's been 4 days since I've started the nasal spray and have felt some ear pressure relief but still have on and off had a terrible headache and still the head pressure and some tingling.  I'm really tired of feeling like this, not knowing from minute to minute if I might get another headache.  My family has been really wonderful but I know it is getting hard for them to hear me saying the same things over and over again.  

I was so relieved when I read many of the entries on this site and realized I'm not the only one with these symptoms, and that you can have them and not have something very seriously wrong such as I mentioned above.  I am praying that my condition will be gone after this spray causes the swelling in my eustachian tube to return to normal.  Experiencing what I have, my heart goes out to all of you who have suffered from these conditions (as varied as they are) as long as some of you have.  Let's all hang in there!    
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It is definitely possible.  I've had almost the exact same thing you have had for a year and a half now, ever since moving to a new home.  After several months my husband started having the same symptoms, too.  It's probably an allergic reaction to something either in the house or the land we're on.  For both of us it causes headaches and muscle aches, tingling in the nose/sinus cavities, pressure in the face and upper teeth, and fatigue.  Neither of us have much mucus or congestion.  Sometimes I get drainage down the back of my throat but very rarely through the nose.

Good luck with the endoscopy.
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