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sinus pain & allergies

I am having cold problem from last 20 years. Now from last 8 years I am facing headache and clogging of cold in sinus passage. I do have cold and dust ( old accumulated dust) allergy and hence if I do some cleaning of old articles or spend more time in water, I get immediate cold problem. Cold accumulates for 2-3 months and then headache starts. Now days I also get pain back of my head, ears or some time below ears and jaws back side.

Can anyone guide me about treatment for such sinus issues. Is any regular tablet or solution I can take avoid regular problem of sinus headache.
Does inhaling steam or message with hot water will reduce my trouble? I do get some relief with hot plastic bag message.

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2 Responses
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I think you should consult with your dr.  Many people mistake allergies for a cold.  I would suspect that your allergies are more severe than you think.

Another option would be acid reflux which can cause sinus and asthma symptoms.  

You need to see a dr for an accurate diagnosis and then work from there.

Treatments I would recommend would include:  sinus rinse with a NielMed bottle (you could use a neti pot but the bottle is more effective - most effective part of my allergy routine), antihistamine like Zyrtec or Allegra (generics would be fine), then prescription meds like a nasal steroid or antihistamine.  You could try OTC GERD meds as well like Zantec, Prilosec, or Zegrid.

See a dr so that you know exactly what to treat and feel better.
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, the important causes needed to be ruled out are Deviated nasal septum (DNS) and allergic rhinitis. These conditions can lead to sinus infection, ear infection and headaches.

Other possibilities are laryngeal web, asthma, any structural abnormalities in the nasal passage such as nasal polyps, hypertrophied turbinates etc.

Recurrent infection is sign of low immunity.  You need to increase immunity by proper nutritious food, regular exercise, mental fitness etc. Vitamins, minerals, proteins will boost your immunity.

You need to undergo detailed examination of nose and radiography of the sinuses to rule out existing sinusitis.

The septoplasty or rhinoplasty for deviated nasal septum (DNS) will help you to relieve your symptoms. Oral anti-histaminics and nasal corticosteroid spray against prescription may help to alleviate allergic rhinitis symptoms. I suggest you to consult an ENT specialist. Take care and regards.
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