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skin rash

when I was in a hot, humid climate recently (New Orleans), I noticed, at night, that the whole back of my lower legs were covered with a huge red area which felt warm but didn't itch or hurt. I bought some cortizone10 cream and it disappeared within a few day. After a month of so, the shin flaked off when rubbed. What caused this outbreak?
2 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of irritant dermatitis. It seems secondary to the garments you wear and sweating will worsen the condition.

Firstly, you need to get investigated for possibility of allergen (due to clothes, dye or other allergen where you work).

- White petrolatum or Zinc oxide cream can be used which acts as protective barrier.
- Use of powders such as cornstarch or talcum powder is also helpful.
- Low potency topical glucocorticoids and oral anti histaminic against prescription can be helpful.

The affected skin flakes off over a time this can be secondary to steroid treatment. I suggest you to consult dermatologist to rule out psoriasis. Take care and regards.
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1398560 tn?1281851178
im 24 yrs old.. i dont drink nor smoke.. what else? i dont know.. can u help me.. i cant stand already.. i've been to 4 doctors and its getting worse... couple weeks ago, i've got rash on my body near the wounds. the rash came up after i put some dettol around my wounds... so i meet the 1st doctor and she gave me loratadine 10mg. the effect only stand like 4 hours and its start to itch again..next morning my lips swollen and become very dry.. i met the 2nd doctor and told him bout it, then he gave me piriton 4mg.. WORST! my lips become sOoOo itchhhhhyy.. it swell than the first one.. then i have dry patches below my eyes.. :( but my rash reduce. so i went for the 3rd doctor... she gave me steroid to help on my swollen lips.. Uhuh.. im getting worse... my lips become so itchy.. everytime i apply medicated lip balm, my lips cracked and it smell.. yuck... i stop the med and went for the 4th doctor for allergy injection. she refuse me instead gave me levocetirizine dihydrochloride 5mg.. but i didnt eat it.. i asked her if my problem wont stop what she can do.. she told me that nothing else.. maybe other med.. what was that????! i believe theres a cure! i havent take any med now... my rash stop.. i have no swollen lips anymore.. but my lips chapped and very dry and had this unwanted smell.. im so embarrassed and uncomfortable... i cant eat well.. i cant speak well for 2 weeks! so last night i went ot drugstore and buy organic aid vitamin e to moist my lips.. now i can smile but still having this very dark lips :( that ewwy smell.. can u help me.. please...
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