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teak wood dust.

I work with a lot of different types of timber and have discovered i have an allergy to teak wood dust,
it is very uncomfortable and was wondering is there anything i could buy over the counter to ease the symtoms which are hot stinging sencesation on cheeks  water discharge from the eyes and generally feeling of tired.
This is really starting to affect my work. Any advice or  or information would be greatfully accepted.
3 Responses
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, your symptoms are suggestive of allergy including allergic conjunctivitis (responsible for eye tear). This happens as soon one is exposed to allergen.

You need to get evaluated clinically as well as certain tests will be help to determine the cause, they are
- Conjunctival scrapings - may be evaluated for the presence of eosinophils.
- Tear film levels of IgE
- Mast cell activity can be measured by immunoassay testing of tears

Usual management consists of  
- Basic eye care - you should not rub your eyes, use protective goggles.
- Treatment of dry eyes- use of artificial tears throughout the day will dilute the allergen.
- Allergen avoidance- You need to find out any other allergens and you need to avoid further exposure.
-Keep a diary of all the things you are exposed to rule out the allergens.
- You can take a course of second generation anti histamines against prescription.        
-  Allergy evaluation - You need to consult allergy specialist for evaluation of the allergen by skin testing. A history of concomitant rhinitis, asthma, or systemic allergic will be useful to know the allergen.

Take care and regards.
Helpful - 0
144586 tn?1284666164
If you have problems with the dust it suggests that you have a serious life-threatening problem.

You have to consider changing professions.

Inhalation of dust of any kind, can cause a person to develop the same problem that asbestos workers die from. Stonecutter's lung develops from exposure to stone dust. Granary workers develop the disease from dust in grain.

The dust remains in the lung, cannot be removed, provokes chronic inflammation, and eventually you end up dying on a respirator. And ending up on steriods, usually prednisone. It is an antigen, or non-self substance, and is provoking an inflammatory reaction.

You have a disability and a workman's compensation issue that should be documented by evaluation by a pulmonary specialist.
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1374714 tn?1382253184
Hi ISIOLO!!!!!!

     I'm a Homoeopathic practitioner from India. Would you mind taking Homoeopathic medication or your ailing condition. They are easily available from Walmart Store/Boiron store. Besides, it adds to my medical experience..
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