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Severe rash in 15mo old - Excema?

A year ago, my daughter had a large spot appear on the back of her thigh we thought was ringworm due to it's round shape and appearance.  We treated it, & after about 2 mos it went away. Since then a rash has spread all over her body - and looks like the original spot. It is on her knees, elbows, wrists, knuckles, covering her thighs, and a HUGE spot covering one ankle. The spots get larger (never shrink) and become enflamed and VERY itchy. Within the past week, more spots are appearing. On her face, buttock, forearms, calves, and the beginnings of a spot on her back and neck.  I have had no less than FIVE doctors in our family practice repeatedly tell me it is Excema (no derm apt. given yet). Also, NO family history at all of excema.
We use Aquaphor 3x a day (no other lotions at all), Zyrtec 1x a day (usually a few hours before bed because her itchiness is usually the worst in the evening and overnight), bathing every 2 days or less (every other day if needed), only using Aveeno creamy excema wash on her hair and genital areas. We use prescription Cortizone, for 2 weeks at a time on an area and then wait 2-3 weeks before treating the area again.  I'm not seeing much help from the cortizone.  It seems to help the itchiness, but the results only last about a day after we quit the treatment, and then it's a couple weeks of horrible looking areas and itching. I use Arm-n-Hammer dye and perfume free on her clothes, I no longer wear perfume, or strong lotions.  Where do I go from here?  Is there anything I can do?  Is there anything they can do to make sure it really is excema?
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Hey, you know I went my whole childhood with excema, trying every lotion, gel, cream. Teachers would call my mom from school and say "your daughter has ringworm", it didn't matter how many times we told them. My most effective treatment as an adult was to simply put some kind of very moisturizing lotion on every day! I felt I really didn't have a choice.
I have a daughter now, and guess what, she has excema. She had her first rash at 18 months, even though I religiously put lotion on her after every bath. I researched different treatments, hated the prescribed steriods. So I was determined that my daughter not go through this and you know what, I found the greatest stuff. I had heard of benefits before but thanks to products from Maleluecca, my daughter does not go through this anymore. Once I stopped using harsh cleaning chemicals, and used their safe laundry soap, awesome kids shampoo and hair wash ( everything smells so good)she hasn't had one more rash. It has been a year of rash free bliss for me to! Their lotion is the best. No more patches and itching. Please let me know if anyone else has found this to be true.
My friends daughter came up with it with no prior family history. She is the one who told me about it. I am so thankful.
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Should have nickname cured!Me,my two grandchildren,and wife went through the nightmare of excema for ten years between us.I will skip the long task of telling symptoms,countless doctors,steroids that made red itchy,oozing,and irratated by every thing spots feel better as we was setting in our air conditioned prison.
  I have not had a person who did not stop it yet with what I will say.Hope it helps you.I am just a guy not a doctor.Doctors in general will fight you to say,and prescribe what you might need.Fungus,next time your at the store buying your cortisone pick up some of the real good lamisil,or lotrimin.Use the cort.,and fungal cream together.After you see how good this works compared to what your therapy might currently be,get ready to fight probably.I admit that this may not be your problem,there are many irritants.Look up human facial fungus keywords.Look how many excema testimonies coinside.
  By the time it goes from where a fungus should be,most doctors that us poor people have to see won't be able to see rings because of inflamation.Most doesn't believe a fungus can live from head to toe.By this time creams may not completly stop.Flucanizole finaly completed this.Use only ivory soap.You need the good natural bacteria.If I am right,those moisturizing soaps your dermatolagist put on you feel great because of all the cortizones ,and stuff.But the fungus feeds on it.Vicious cycle.
  There are many things I now do to keep my self and my growing line of now relieved acuaintences excema free.Will add to them when I have more time.If you can afford,get a stool sample.Make sure they are looking for every thing.Most generally normal doctors office will not.I will tell later how flora,and probiotics,helped.
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My name is Kaela. My boyfriend of 3 years has an 8 year old girl with severe excema. I never knew what it was until I saw her poor skin. It would crack and bleed all the time when we used to cover her in eucerin. I used to wait until she'd been sleeping a bit and then lather more on her. Nothing ever changed. Then I was introduced to a company that only produces botanically based products. My boyfriend and his ex-wife were more than willing to try it out so we began with these few products. I am soo thoroughly impressed with her results that I buy stuff for myself and all of my family. Her cracking and bleeding went away completely after a month and you could see results in just a couple of days. She no longer was scratching in her sleep and wearing band-aides to school. If you want more information let me know I think every woman should use this on their children and themselves. ***@****
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If it's itchy patches it's probably eczema.  Eczema is an allergic reaction. You probably want to get her tested for food allergies--obviously something you've added to her diet lately (or some other change) has kicked it off). Try asking for RAST testing, it's a single blood draw and they test all the allergens in that (you can refuse to let them do skin testing).  Cremes etc won't make it ever go away as long as you're still ingesting the allergen.  Expect a fight, dr's like to say it's a rash. But no, it's not a dermatological problem (only). We had gastroenterologists, allergists, nutritionists, etc in on my infant son's case.  He developed first spots on face , then wrists, ankles that got itchier and itchier, redder, then oozy. Three years it took to get rid of them (on a diet without his allergens). It's usually one or more of the top ten allergens (wheat, dairy, soy, eggs etc..... )  Asthma is the next progressive step if you don't eliminate the allergens so it's a good idea to be as pushy as possible.  If you get all negatives you could look at sometihng in environment (he had those too but didn't cause eczeman, rather runnynose). Goodluck!
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