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my boyfriends lips swell and at first we thought it was just allergies but then it started to happen more often. they get huge. then his chin swole once or twice and then his hand swole and it itches. and tonight a part of the top of his right shoulder swole. this things happen quite frequently but he refuses to go to the doctor and im starting to worry something may be seriously wron. benadryll seems to help also. any information would be  great! thanks
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He should definitely consult a doctor or allergy specialist.

Is he on any medications?

Are there any pets in the house or any other thing that could cause allergic reaction.

Ask him to take OTC antihistamine medications for a few days and see if that helps.

If the symptoms still persist, ask him to see a doctor.

Do keep us posted if you have any doubts and also let us know how he is doing.

Hope this helps.

Good luck.
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Definitely sounds like some sort of allergy to me, but I'm not a dr.  Keep the benadryll handy.  You can't make him go see a doctor (men are stubborn like that), but I doubt he wants to die.  He'll go when it bothers him enough.  It's hard not to worry.  But if he's not having trouble breathing and the Benadryll helps--be thankful for that.
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