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throat and lymph nodes

for 9 days I wake and my throat feels all caked up. if lay flat my face swells. so I don't lay flat now. lol
I've been to the dr twice. one said sinus bacteria and the other said no sign of sinus maybe viral. I have no runny nose or ear problems headaches nor stomach aches. I do have swollen lymph nodes. I'm pretty much having to guess at everything. tried multiple things to help. as the day progresses it gets somewhat better but returns at night and worse by morning.. could this be post nasal drip. did start with change of weather. oh and tongue feels dry. I am drinking lots of warm fluids, coffee, herbal teas etc...
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Hi, your symptoms could be due to a sinus infection. Sinus infection causes blockage of flow -especially when a person lies down. The blockade is affected by the side to which the person turns also. In frontal sinusitis the symptoms worsen on lying down and as the day progresses the sinus drains due to gravity and can cause relief from symptoms. Check with your doctor regarding this. . In the meantime practice good breathing exercises, humidify your room and do steam inhalations. Regards.
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Thank you, I believe your right. I started putting eucalyptus oil in steamer and started the antibiotics the 1st dr said. (the 2nd dr said viral and would be gone in 10 days) so day 11 started antibiotics and protbiotics of course. and after 10 days of antibiotics it is finally gone. now hubby is doing it.
no nasal sinus or anything, hardly even sore throat just this caking in throat like can't swallow for hrs in the morning and swollen lymph notes. not sure if antibiotics helped or just worked itself out but last day of antibiotics I have no more symptoms. so it was some kind of sinus infection I believe..
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612551 tn?1450022175
Good to read you are better, even well.

I read your post because I could directly relate, and that includes the analysis of the good doctor.  In my case it has been going on for years, not weeks, in humid weather and dry cold weather (now in NJ).  I have almost no trouble breathing when on my feet, can sit for periods watching tv, using the computer, being in group meetings - but night time and bed time I stuff up.  This produces dry mouth from breathing through my mount.  Over the counter anti congestion medications do little good and 12 hours sprays such as the Afrin brand clean me up for the whole night.  Of course I can't use that more than a couple of times a week - the rest of the time I use saline spray which helps as well as a couple of prescription nose sprays I have tried.  I have the clear gravity effect, sleeping non my side I generally have the low side blocked the up side not so much, maybe even clear.  If I roll over to the other side it take less than 5 minutes for the blockage to shift.

I have never gone to a ENT doctor but have been checked by my primary care and the associated nurse practitioner and by a pulmonary specialist (sleep apnea) none of whom suggested an infection.

I'll mark this thread to "watch"so I will see any further replies.

Happy Thanksgiving.
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