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thryroid problem or allergic reactions

when I get a stomach ache my left eye starts itching, gland beneath eye swells and gradually weeps, (takes days to go down, sinuses fill up and cannot breath thru nose - I take over the counter allergy-sinus pill and in 30 minutes can start to breath normally however eye will still be swollen for days.  I was tested during episode and told the it is not allergic reaction.  Only the left side of my face is impacted every time.  Also other day the right side only of my roof of mouth and right side of throat started to swell.  Soon I had trouble breathing and swallowing as opening was getting smaller.  The gland under my chin right side swelled - took over 24 hours for swelling in throat to go down.  Throat was very sore during and after episode.  Dr's say it's not allergies - I have not been tested for thyroid problems --- any suggestions what type of dr I should see and what they should test me for.  Getting very frustrating as looking very disfigured after these episodes and they are getting scary,
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i actually had a swollen mouth roof a couple years back. went to the doctors and they didn't know what it was. just took OTC sinus meds and it kinda went away...but i can tell the roof of my mouth has not been the same since. there's definitly pressure up there. i get extremely itchy and watery eyes and my eyelids sometimes swell.   Not enough to be seriously concerned though.

i think it might be either chronic sinus infection or tooth infection. do you have any wisdom teeths left? try going to the dentist and getting a full check up. Get any impacted tooth removed and even try some infection tests. it's amazing how some of us live with parasites and funky infections all our lives.  

when i was growing up in korea it was standard to be tested for bacterial infection yearly.
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oh by the way...on Oprah Dr. Oz introduced this thing called Neti Pot. Haven't been able to track one down since everywhere it's SOLD OUT. but if in stock...walgreens carry them. or you can buy one online. it's a natural (water through your nose) way of cleaning your sinus...
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