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I have a chronic sinus infection and my ears have been ringing since January. Does this go hand and hand. I have been to a ENT, had a hearing test I do not know what to do next, the ringing is driving me crazy. I am on my  second round of antibiotics any suggestions? I uses a fan at night  to have some white noise  I also have ms and my Dr. is confident that this is not from the ms.
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Hi Lou, My husband has tinnitius too. He has been to doctors for it and had hearing tests. There is nothing wrong with his ears or his hearing. He does have post-nasal drip which doesn't get better or worse--just a chronic condition. He's been tested for allergies, but has been told he is not allergic to anything. A real mystery.
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Do you have any other symptoms associated with the tinnitus like hearing loss, fullnees in the ears, headache, etc?

What is your age ? What work do you do? Are you exposed to constant loud , buzzing sounds at your workplace? Are you on any medications currently?

Has a CT scan of the head been done to rule out any intracranial cause of your symptoms?

The causes of tinnitus that need to be ruled out include - workplace exposure to loud noise, overdose of aspirin, overdose of aminoglycoside antibiotics or overdose of quinine. The other common causes are pregnancy , anemia, thyroid disorders.

Discuss this in detail with your doctor and get the relevant investigations done to.

Let us know about how you are doing and if you have any other doubts.

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I have had a MRI of my head in December, I am checked at least once a year for my thyroid since thriod disease runs strongly in my family. I am 50 years old I am not employed right know I worked in a dental office for 7 years and had to leave from the chemicals I worked with I believe they were a cause of my ms which I have had for 1 year .I have just been put on the antibiotcs three weeks ago  for my sinus infection this is my second round.In just went to my nureo and I am going to stop my copaxone shots for two weeks
since the ringing in my ears started almost the same time of starting copaxone. Thanks for your reply, Cindy
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How are you doing now?

Have you noticed any symptomatic improvement? Are you on any medications currently?

Let us know about what your doctor has advised and also if you have any doubts.

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