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victorias secret bra rash

Does anyone kow how and why the victorias secret bra caused? I have an itchy and hot rash. Help.
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I have had hives for three months. I been to every type of doctor and naturopath imaginable! My mom recently told me about the Victoria's Secret Bra Rash. I lloked it up online and I do have the bras they are talking about! I have worn non VS bras for 2 days now and I seem to be getting better. The hives and hot, welted, blistering rash stated on under my breasts. From there it has spread to my entire body. No part of me has been spared. I have even had my hands and feet swell up for days and have missed work. The hives have also internalized and out me in the ER. I now carry an Epi-Pen just in case. I am upset to say the least. The have know about this problem for over a year now. Why hasn't something been done?
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I too experienced a rash and itching from my VS bra.  I had worn them for years with no problems but when I began taking a weight loss supplement (Orovo) is when the itching, redness and rash began.  At times, the itching was so severe I wanted to use a fork to scratch the areas that were itching!  I discontinued using the weight loss supplement and the itching and rash went away.  I do, however, still have a problem with the way VS is manufacturing their bras.  The adhesive they use is to bond the bra's seams after 2-4 washings breaks down and the seams come part.  Poor quality bra for an outrageous price.
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