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My friend all of the sudden says he became allergic to cats cause he has a hard time catching his breath and he weases around them but i noticed whenever he eats to much the same thing happens. He had cats for a long time up till about 9 years ago. Is is an allergy that causes weasing and bloating. He never tries medication or going to the doctor.
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hi m 22yr old i nev had a porb in breathing but often late 4 past 1 yr m going thrugh this porb at 1 point of time it get normal but sometimes its too much can u plz tell me hw do i get rid of this diesease.. some docs have adviced me on in halers hw good r they n should they b taken 4 in nw m using 1 but i wanna get rid of it.. m nt able 2 sleep in the nite thr i feel the prob in breathing plz help..

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351246 tn?1379682132
Thanks for writing to the forum!
Breathing difficulty with wheezing is seen in asthma and allergic bronchitis. If you have been diagnosed with asthma, inhalers will help you ease breathing by dilating your airways to allow more passage of air. At night you can raise the head end of your bed to 30 degrees by pillows. You can also take steam twice a day to loosen the mucus in your lungs.

Breathing problems without wheeze is also felt in obesity, GERD, high blood pressure, anemia etc. Take up yoga, deep breathing exercise, walking and get investigated for the other mentioned possibilities. You may need pulmonary function tests, chest X-rays, echo, and blood tests.
It is difficult to comment beyond this at this stage.  Please let me know if there is any thing else and do keep me posted. Take care!

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1478657 tn?1287408349
hello i ate dinner then dessert then i got in hot tub then out like always but I am on my period since i started my  back has been killing me since i started lower and upper  i know that can be normal but any how  then i had a real hard time catching my breath when i took a deep breath i wease a little  then cough and have pain under my left boob  and my head felt heavy today i am the same but better since i got out of bed  it almost feels like i held a cat next to me or got cleaners down in my throat thats last time i felt like this
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