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weird lip rash

I've dealt with this 3 times already this year. It begins with tiny pin size bumps outlining my lips. It progresses to something really itchy. And then my lips will turn bright red. It chaps and will feel tight. On the third or fourth day, it weeps a bit. It is so frustrating. I went to my doctor and got steroid pills. When it came back the second time around(with only two days from being healed), it came back with the same symptoms and I was recommended to see an Allergy Doctor. There, I was given, 2 steroid shots on top of antihistamines. I have no clue what's making my lips itch so bad. My doctor thought it was realted to a food allergy... My allergy Doctor wasn't able to give me a clear diagnosis. HELP!!!
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You should use a moisturising lip balm with sunscreen - preferably a medicated one - ask your dermatologist to prescribe you one.

You also need to drink plenty of water - 1.5 to 2 litres per day and eat a balanced diet and supplement any viamins or minerals for the deficiency in your diet. Take vitamin B complex for some days.

Apply a glycerine based lip cream at night.

Keep the area clean - wash your face with a face wash several times a day and also clean your face after each meal with a wet tissue or wash it with water generously.

If the symptoms still persist, you should get a review from your dermatologist.

Let us know if you have any doubts and also keep us posted on how you are doing.

Good luck.
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I hop you read this soon. I too have the same problem and am going to the dermatologist again for the 3rd time. I wrote all about it on my page so I will ask you to be my friend if you want more info, or if you got some...
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