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how do you deal with bilaterial maxillary sinus retention cysts? and can it stop you from breating to wear it wakes you up?

This discussion is related to Mucus Retention Cysts Of The Maxillary Sinus.
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It would be best to consult an ENT specialist to decide about the further plan of mangement.

A cyst is surgically removed if it is obstructing the natural sinus drainage and in case it is very large, or secondarily infected.

If the cyst is small, you may not need to remove it.

You would need to get a sleep study done too, if you are symptomatic - consult your doctor about it.

You could be having associated sinusitis or rhinitis which could be allergic in nature. Do you have associated symptoms of cough, wheeze, breathlessness, post nasal drip etc?

You should try steam inhalation, saline nasal drops and oral antihistamine medications for your complaints and see if it helps with the symptoms.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.


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I have mucus retention cysts in both maxillary sinuses too.  The problem for me is this insane post nasal drip for already 2 years or more now.  Sometimes it´s so difficult to swallow the mucus my neck is sore.  I also have sleep apnea.  Can these be indications for surgery?  I don´t know how big the cysts are, the CT scan wouldn´t say.  Thanks.
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The maxillary sinus, like other paranasal sinuses, secretes mucus. If this mucus does not flow out, and is blocked in the lining of the sinus, a cyst is formed. The cyst is filled with the "retained" secretions. This is called ‘maxillary sinus mucus retention cyst’.

This is found in cases of chronic sinusitis. If the cyst is small, you may not need to remove it. Please consult an ENT surgeon for treatment options. A cyst is surgically removed if it is obstructing the natural sinus drainage and in case it is very large, or secondarily infected.

Let us know if you have any other doubts and post us about how you are doing.

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