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why there is no or very little mucus in my nose? Dry nose !!!

for a long time I am suffering of the lack of mucous in my nose, especially in the right side. The nose and tract to inside gets dry and stressed resulting in severe headache. Some times I had to plug my nose opening by cotton plug in order to retain moisture. In some instances taking asprin pills trigger some little, few very watery discharge but not allways. Nasal sparays were not helpfull. Even some nasal jell did not hepl much either. Looking forward to hearing from at your convenient, please.  
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1355118 tn?1298564879
Hi, welcome to the forum, such symptoms are usually seen with nasal blockage and result in minimal mucus secretion leading to dryness of nose. The common causes for such nasal blockage, including nasal polyps and sinus infection. Deviated nasal septum (DNS) can also leads to obstruction. The sinus infection also leads to headache.

Another important but rare possibility is Sjögren's syndrome. This is a rare disorder and is also associated with dryness of mouth and eye. You need to undergo detailed examination of nose and radiography of the sinuses to rule out existing sinusitis.

Saline nasal sprays are available and should be used frequently. In many patients, the use of humidifiers later by gentle nasal lavage to remove encrusted secretions may be helpful. The septoplasty or rhinoplasty for deviated nasal septum (DNS) will help you to relieve your symptoms. If sinusitis cannot be managed with medication; surgical drainage would be definitive therapy. I suggest you to consult ENT surgeon for further management. Take care and regards.
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Thanks for this valuable responce. Yes i do have dry mouth syndrom at night too. I will seek appointment with ENT doctor soon. I f you do not mind I may expose this responce of your to him\ her for some consultatio too.
Best regards
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