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Probiotics and High Blood Pressure


I have this problem-  I have bowl movement and then I have to lay down on bed, and massage all over my head for 10 minutes.  When I take probiotics, this feeling gets worse.  I do take olonzapine for sleep and have been on several anti-depressants before.  This annoying thing began happening summer of 2009 and is not healing by itself.  I do suffer from constipation time to time and sometimes it is chronic.  I discussed this issue with my GP and she doesn't know what's going on.  She says take fiber supplements for constiaption like Metamucil, but they make me worse.  

I have not had bowl movement for 2 days now.  I discussed my resting after bowl movement with someone not a doctor and he said that it maybe little high blood pressure and it goes down after bowl movement.  

Is this possible?  

Also does probiotic supplements increase or decrease blood pressure.  Probiotics claim they reduce high blood pressure.  I am getting mixed information from what I have searched on web.  About.com says it can also increase chances of sepis- blood infection and diverticulitis.  I don't know if this is true.

On some probiotic supplement, like Udo's, I think, not sure that probiotics can increase blood pressure.  When I take these I have to rest more and massage more after having bowl movement.

What is the problem? Do probiotics also increase blood pressure?

Please help
19 Responses
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So many of your symptoms could come from an autoimmune disease, including mental fog, depression and chronic constipation. You can a long list of symptoms at http://thyroid.about.com/cs/hypothyroidism/a/checklist.htm
and lots more information at http://thyroid.about.com

Paxiled is giving you good diet information...I used to own a small health food store, but now can get almost all organic foods at the local supermarkets without having to go to Whole Foods. VitaCost.com and a few other websites carry supplements, etc. at less than wholesale from a distributor, plus usually have free shipping if you buy a certain amount!

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I am trying to write clearly and improve my English writing skills.  This is why I post again, just in case you are wondering

I also became aware about some natural remedies and safe therapies like infrared saunas, chelation, acupuncture.  I am just more aware of what is out there.  I know everything else that is useful which requires money- acupuncture for example.  Other than that rest is  fiction that is too good to be true and pointless.  
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I am trying to write clearly and improve my English writing skills

I also became aware about some natural remedies and safe therapies like infrared saunas, chelation, acupuncture.  I am just more aware of what is out there.  I know everything else that is useful which requires money- acupuncture for example.  Other than that rest is  fiction that is too good to be true and pointless.  
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Also about some natural remedies and safe therapies like infrared saunas, chelation, acupuncture.  I am just more aware of what is out there.  I know everything else that is useful which requires money.  Other than that rest is  fiction that is too good to be true and pointless.  
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Yes, I know about this freak, convicted felon and making money by selling his useless books and website.  I only took out good stuff.  For example I am more conscious of what is in our food, and knowing and avoiding all nasty and toxic artificial chemicals.  Also about some natural remedies.  Everything else is I know or is junk fiction that is too good to be true and pointless.
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You are sooo right about psychiatrist.  You go them couple of times they are so nice to you and show that they care because every patient they see they get money.  Later on, most of my psychiatrists were just like you said don't really help that much.  They just say, you have to take these meds for rest of your life, and say no most people have no side effects and etc when they are off pills.  Wrong, I felt so depleted, in just 3 days.

Only one doc at hospital cared enough, and was trying her best, and she was had decades of experience, but still they can't help you in long run.

There are so many factors that determine what is wrong and causing anxiety and depression, for example- pain and inflammation, imbalances in hormones, stress, physical problems, and especially neurotransmitters themselves.  Even if they are balanced in one area of brain they can be out of balanced in other part of our brain and cause symptoms of mental illness.  Psych meds block all natural reuptake all over our brain, and end result suppress the problem and it may get worse, but most people get better as they say and like m,e or develop withdrawals  and side effects.  I guess if nothing works they are last resort and better than nothing.
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DON'T LISTEN TO TRADEAU!!! He is a convicted fraud and liar don't spend $$ on his garbage!!!
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I believe in everything and nothing.  Not enough real world evidence, and no money to get it.  Everyone's got a theory.  Pick one and follow it and see if you notice improvement.  As to what Paxil did to me, what didn't it do?   But it happened after I tapered off it.  I had a colossal withdrawal that affected everything, and a quack psychiatrist who didn't tell me about even the possibility of withdrawal.  So I'm an extreme case, and they don't really help others all that much.  
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Your and someone else's ideas are better than nothing.  My GP and other docs are no help to me and they said it and now I am on my own, but cautious of any remedies and programs, stuff that is too good to be true.  I am tired of them, they don't want to do anything for you- they don't like to test different things that maybe causing different problems , swipe your card make money, and since health care in Canada is public, docs really don't care since they will keep their job no matter what.

Yes,  after reading so much regarding dietary habits before industrialization and also how we are genetically same as our ancestors like homosapeciens.  We have not evolved as did our diet.  I totally agree with your food is completely artificial ( genetic engineering, toxic chemicals) but people say industrialization made food available to everyone and famine is less severe than prior to industrialization.  Fine now there is food for everyone, but more and more people are sicker because of poor quality and  toxic chemicals, and not as close to nature.  From what I have read and understood, best diet is organic close to nature.  

I am surprised you don't know about Tradeau, he is a medical journalist, who interviews docs and reports on their treatments and success rate.. He is one person who made more and more people aware of natural remedies and treatments to treat and cure disease.  He is a whistlebowler and owner of many companies and one he is well known for is natural cures.    He criticizes FDA, drug companies and U.S Gov't for their malpractices and making money while keeping people sick, making them addicted to food, drugs, etc.  After reading some of his books, he is somewhat true.  But I am still skeptic about his ideas and reports as some stuff is really too good to be true.

Holy, that's exactly happened with me. I tapered off effexor before than at what time my doc told me to and I became terribly messed up again, and was given injection of cojectin, copixol, and ativan, and then on celexa for 1 month.  When I came back from hospital I reduced and tried to come of celexa and olonzapine and I got sick again, and since then I have not recovered.  I have poor physical health and mentally I can't do complex stuff like in school.   Also whenever I came off effexor and celexa, I felt so crash down, like drained and depleted, that's what psych pills do without anyone know when they are taking them.  Did you feel drained and depleted when you tapered off paxil?

Yes, I get how complicated life and medicine I know not many people can  help me on the internet, but trust me I am learning more and I am aware for what can I do to help myself, rather than going to doc who can't do anything or doesn't know what is going on.  

I think I am developing arthritis.  I am more stiff after walking and jogging for 30-45 min.  My neck and back and overall body is hard to stretch and gives me pain especially in my lower back and neck.  

Do you believe in acid/alkaline theory of disease.  It states that acidosis causes many degenerative diseases like cancer ,arthritis and etc because of low pH and body leaches alkaline minerals from bones and organs to neutralize acids.  Once this buffering capacity is exhausted body starts storing acids (toxins, byproducts of protein metabolism uric acid, ) in deep tissues and organs like liver, heart, and joints.

What do think about acid/ alkaline theory? This is emphasized a lot in natural medicine and wellness centres and claims to prevent minor to major health problems.
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Have you tried magnesium citrate? Look into magnesium deficiency.
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A lot of questions.  I don't know of Tradeau.  I managed stores for 18 years, but stopped several years ago to write full time, and I can't say I remember everyone I read or read about.  Everyone's got a theory, whether it's allopathic or natural medicine.  Each practitioner becomes a new school unto themselves.  Nobody can keep up with all of it, but I was never into fads.  Food combining makes some sense, but not a lot.  I tend to look at how people ate before industrialization, when people ate more by instinct than by global trade, and nobody practiced food combining.  They ate what they had.  But there are some lessons to be learned, such as avoiding overly acidic foods such as most fruits being combined with other foods.  But it's just as obvious people do fine combining carbs and protein, and that's the bulk of our diets unless you live on a tropical island.  So I don't know.  I tend to think, if it bugs you, don't do it.  But it is difficult to know what long-term consequences are of our choices.  For example, today we have women gorging on calcium rich foods, but most people in industrial societies eat way too much calcium and not enough magnesium, which is just as essential for building bone, and people advised to stay out of the sun so they don't get skin cancer but now we're deficient in Vitamin D which is also essential for bone building.  We also eat a lot of things that aren't actually food, which is why everyone in the natural medicine including me will tell you to eat organic.  I do, and I'm poor.  Why would anyone eat something grown in petroleum covered with toxic chemicals hybridized and genetically engineered so those toxic chemicals only kill those who eat the stuff but not the stuff itself?  Doesn't make any sense.  But it is more expensive, depending on what you eat and where you shop.  As to yeast control, again, first you need to be diagnosed as having yeast overgrowth before you go about changing your entire diet and supplement intake to tackle it.  A regular doc should be able to test this for you, if they're willing.  But anxiety and depression can also cause some of these symptoms, and one nutrient anti-depressants tend to leach out is magnesium, which helps relax the muscles and helps bowel movements.  That's why digestive problems, constipation, diarrhea, and muscle cramping and twitching are so common in people who take these meds.  In other words, it's complicated, and once again, not something I can diagnose.  But you can always experiment on yourself with any diet -- whether that be food combining, blood type, zone type diets, whatever, there's a million out there.  Vegetarian, vegan, raw, animal protein, macrobiotics, these are all diets that are popular and help some people and not others.  As a fellow sufferer of anxiety and depression, I understand how hard this is, but my health was fine until I tapered off Paxil and that ruined my health completely, both physically and mentally, and now nothing seems to help.  This is how complicated life and medicine are, and why no one can help you on the internet, just give you some ideas.    
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I am going to give this a try and see what happens.  Nothing to lose and it also says it naturally detoxifies our bodies.
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I forgot, have you heard of food combining?  This was first discovered by Dr. Hay who was a physician in New York City trying to figure out food combination to eliminate his digestive issues.  His experiment on himself and on others were successful and wrote his book.  Did you know about this or tried this as well?

I came across this food combining when I landed on Great Taste No Pain by Sherry Bresica.  She guarantees many things from digestive problems, to high blood pressure to cancer prevention.  
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I just want add when I say poor general health, I mean low energy, no drive to do things, poor sleep and concentration,  I have dropped out of school, and I can't hold any employment because I tire easily.  On top of this I am only 23.  I have gone to many different docs and no one can help me.  My GP is strict and doesn't like to listen to me for what to check for in blood work for depression, poor circulation, low energy and etc check for any food sensitivity or allergies that maybe slowly draining me without me noticing .   Now she is say's I don't know what is going and what do to. I have good lifestyle and diet.  Its been 4 years like this now.  It's frustrating can't do what you want to do. I don't mean to complain, but I am in this annoying cycle, and fed up.  I am on my own now.

Have you tried alkalizing and detoxifying.  If you did how did you feel?  Did you go to naturopath for this?  The one I went to wants to do acupuncture under anesthesia before doing this step.  I don't want anything under anesthesia and then pay more for treaments etc.   How does one now when to detoxify?  

Last word on Kevin Tradeau, I follow whatever I can especially regards to junk food, artificial chemicals etc, but  one can only do so much.
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Talk about fatigue, my last year of high school I felt like some inertia is blocking me and I have to force myself to do anything.  After 1 more year, I was diagnosed and treated for psychotic depression, OCD, anxiety.  

I don't know about how insurance is for States regarding natural medicine.  In Canada, you have to buy insurance which covers visits to Natural medicine consultation (naturopath, chiropractor. massage therapists etc) but patient has to pay for natural remedies. Yes, natural medicine is expensive, just like you said it takes serveral remedies to fix one complex problem.

I don't know how much you trust Kevin Tradeau.  Since you have managed health food stores you probably heard about him.  In his book, under depression he says Candida Yeast overgrowth is another factor for depression.  What do you think?  Also, I know Kevin is true regarding Health care in America, but most of the time whatever he is saying is like fiction and his suggestions difficult to apply, like who can afford to buy organic food and see natural practitioners etc.  Plus all that Royal Rife, Bio-synergistic and energy balancing etc.    

I don't have fatigue now, but my general health is poor.  I have to take olonzapine for sleep and if I don't my mental illness shows up again.

When I took probiotic (Udo's) for the first time, like in 2006, it got me going easily. Ever since I have taken psych meds, probiotic (like Udo's) never work same.

I wonder why? If not yeast then what is it?  I also do have smelly flatulence, and some bloating and these go away with taking pro biotic.  

Oh I almost forgot, yesterday I did have 2 bowl movements 1 in morning after breakfast and one in late evening.  Second one was smelly and burning, itching at my anus when doing and when done BM.  

I usually have bowl movement in morning right after breakfast and many people seem to have first thing in morning. Is it okay to have any time of day?  Nowadays, I am having bowl movements in late afternoon.

Thank You for your information.
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Wasn't necessarily suggesting you have a yeast problem, just mentioning as one reason probiotics won't adhere to the walls of the intestinal tract.  Unless you exhibit the symptoms of yeast overgowth, which you don't, it's probably not that. It's also much more common for women than for men, though it does happen.  If you had it you'd be fatigued and your immune system would be down, not just constipated.  By the way, rice is great, very balanced, but it should be brown rice.  Whole grains are fine, they have the fiber that helps with regularity.  You're right, naturopaths will be expensive.  Natural medicine tends to be expensive, since it isn't covered by insurance and it takes several remedies usually to fix anything complex and often switching remedies.  You can save some money by not buying the brands sold by the naturopath -- those are made just for them, they're not better than other supplements and often worse, and you can only buy them from your professional whereas other supplements can be bought fairly inexpensively on the internet once you know what works for you.  I don't like saying that, because I managed health food stores and they're all gone thanks to Whole Foods and Vitamin Shoppes, so it would be better if those small shops were still around, but they aren't in most places.  Anyway, treating yeast overgrowth is complicated and takes a long time, and it is something that almost has to be done with a nutritionist or naturopath since it involves dietary changes and finding remedies that work.  I just don't think you're describing that problem.  Most yogurt doesn't have live cultures in it, unless you're buying expensive yogurt in a health food store.  Since they have to be pasteurized, the heat kills off the organisms, and only the expensive ones add them back in.  Mostly, yogurt is good for feeding beneficial bacteria.  Supplements, on the other hand, contain billions of organisms, and the good ones are kept refrigerated so the bacteria can hibernate until they're in your intestinal tract.  And as I said, the main organisms for digestion are the bifido bacteria, not necessarily added to yogurt, which is mostly acidophilus.  Wish I could help you more, but the internet is what it is, and that's very limited.
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What should I do for yeast overgrowth?
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Yes, I am constipated for 2 days and this is third day going.  I don't take Metamucil, although I took in past, with no success.  I have also tried phsyllium husk (natural with no artificial addings) with little success.  When I do take phsyillum husk my stools are harder to pass with straining and are thinner. I  get more problems when I take fiber supplements and add fiber compared to when they are just in my diet from fruits and vegetables.

I tried flax-seed with warm water last night and it did not get me going for bowl movement this morning.

You are right about rush in head by too much straining.  Maybe this is the cause for this resting, massaging my head issue.  Sometimes I have noticed I strain very little and still that creates this problem to occur again.  Another reason could be poor blood circulation after bowl movement even if I don't strain, like most blood is at GI tract during BM and then restores to normal and this happens.  

Yes, medication can cause this problem, and I believe olonzapine is causing this for 1 year.  But now I am constipated for 2 days,  this is worst ever.

I am eating clean, cook in olive oil, I don't really eat white flour, rice products besides white rice.  I have reduced this as well.  I also eat lean meats.

I haven't taken any probiotic supplement yet, but I am eating more yogurt and it seems unsuccessful to get me going.  

You have raised good idea about yeast and even I take in more good bacteria, the body is flushing them out.  What can I do for yeast?  I think, this may very well be the problem.  

Do you suggest oxy-powder?  I have tried this in past and felt great.  I also had second BM after first one and it felt releasing hard smelly stools and toxins.  But over-time I became sluggish again with BM and overall poor general health. Oxy-powder effects lasted 1 month.

I don't want to see naturopathic doctor for this, even though they are well educated in this area.  I visited one naturopathic doctor and he kept on prescribing supplements and I spent so much money and I was feeling same as before. Finances are also an issue.

What do suggest I do for yeast overgrowth?

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one of the best fiber products is Konsyl! A good probiotic is Align!
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There are many different probiotics.  Some aren't well researched, but are included in some supplements.  The main one for digestive problems is bifidus, or bifido bacteria.  Hard to see how they can cause high blood pressure, as they are a natural part of your digestive system and if they can't find a home there -- in other words, you already have enough or something like yeast has moved in -- the body will just flush them out.  On the other hand, anything is possible for a given individual, I guess.  Hard to see how they'd reduce blood pressure, either.  There are soil organisms being sold these days, which are different from the usual probiotics.  Would be better for us if you tell us exactly what you're suffering from -- constipation?  The rush in your head could be caused by pushing too hard.  Fiber is a good idea, though I wouldn't use Metamucil because of the artificial ingredients.  Daily fiber blend by Yerba Prima is a better one.  Your med might also be contributing to this problem; many of them do cause constipation.  Aloe juice can be helpful with this, and looking at your diet to see if you're eating too much, say, simple starches with the fiber removed that are hard to digest or too much fatty meat might be a good idea.
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