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Childrens learning difficulties ADD/Dyslexia

I am very interested in homeopathy for children’s learning difficulties.

One of our twin girl 10years has had expressive language difficulties, has  since
she started to talk, we did speech therapy for 6years.  plus we do extra tutoring, our daughter continues to make progress ,our daughter wants to learn, doesn’t give up, . Our daughter with learning difficulties is very visual, learns visually.
I am very interest in homeopathy to see if it can  help our daughter with learning issues, it’s the parents that must fight on for them..
We had our daughter on Strattera 40mg a non- stimulent for ADD, as she has ADD, we have taken her off the medication, she was on it for 12months, we don't feel the benefits have been great.
I live in Australia and Homeopathy isn't supported by mainstream Doctors.

Thanks again for your time.
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Omega 3 fish oils help me concentrate better. May help your children.
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180749 tn?1443595232
You and the children do this pranayam for 5 to 10 minutes, 2 or 3 times day, in a fun way, so the children think it is a game.This will stimulate the left and right brain in turn, with the extra oxygen and help with concentration and memory.Compare the benefits noticed by you and each child participating and keep notes.Your feedback in 3 weeks and again after a longer period, will help very much.
Build up your timing gradually.If you feel tired or dizzy, stop and resume after one minute.
Anulom Vilom pranayam –
Close your right nostril with thumb and deep breath-in through left nostril  
then – close left nostril with two fingers and breath-out through right nostril  
then -keeping the left nostril closed  deep breath-in through right nostril
then - close your right nostril with thumb and breath-out through left nostril.
This is one cycle of anulom vilom.
Repeat this cycle for 15 to 30  minutes twice a day.
Children under 15 years – do 5 to 10 minutes twice a day.
You can do this before breakfast/lunch/dinner or before bedtime or in bed.Remember to take deep long breaths into the lungs.You can do this while sitting on floor or chair or lying in bed.
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Many thanks for all your info.

Firstly appreciate your kind reply & time trying to help.

I breastfeed our twin girls, for just over 2yrs, NO bottles or formula . Our twins were no 5 & 6 of my children., yes we have 6 children.We have 4 other children which I breastfeed for close to 2yrs also before I had the twins, only one of our children has learning issues, our daughter. I took fish oil in my pregnancy's with all our children also, before it was in fashion, I take it myself also now, I have had our girls on fish oil since they were weaned, stopped breastfeeding at 2yrs of age,  We have had our daughter seen by a neuro psychologist, and he diagnosed as daughter with a late maturation,  plus the ADD ( she is the inatentive type, not hypo, the neuro psychologist did suggest neurofeedback, however he doesn't do it and in Australia it cost thousands to get the treatment . As you will read we did try Concerta, then Strattera ( the non stimulant med), however didn't see great results.
I really appreciate your help.
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What to do after you just say NO to Ritalin when a child has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or some other learning disability.
And even if you don’t, ADD is a growing problem that you should be aware of some estimate that as many as one in five U.S. children are on Ritalin that’s 6 million kids.
And if you do know any children who have been diagnosed with ADD, it’s almost guaranteed that their doctors have suggested putting them on Ritalin or some other patent medication designed to stimulate the central nervous system. Well, there’s a better
option—one that doesn’t involve prescribing children legal (but still addictive) stimulants
whose side effects include an abnormal heartbeat, blood pressure changes, chest pain, dizziness, and much, much more.
It’s not as simple as popping a pill, but it is safer and can be every bit as effective. It involves changing the child’s diet and supplementing with essential fatty acids.
Research has recently confirmed that essential fatty acids can help make a very significant improvement in children’s behavior and cognitive function.
For five months, researchers gave 65 children who had been diagnosed with behavioral problems daily supplements of fish oil (containing 475 mg of EPA, 151 mg of DHA, and other omega-3 fatty acids) and evening primrose oil (containing 54 mg of GLA and
other omega-6 fatty acids).
At the end of the study, the lead researcher of the study, Dr. Madelaine Portwood, said, “Children taking the supplement made an average seven month improvement in receptive language ability, and a nearly nine month improvement in expressive language ability. The matched control group made an expected gain of five months.”
The children who took the essential fatty acid supplements also had an unexpected—but significant improvement in their relationships with their parents.
Giving young children with attention deficit disorder, hyperactivity, and learning disabilities at least 2 teaspoons of cod liver oil along with 300 milligrams of GLA (and 200 IU of vitamin E as mixed tocopherols) daily is very safe and will likely achieve the same or even better results observed by Dr. Portwood and her team.
Good dietary sources of omega-3 fatty acids include fish, walnuts, and flaxseed, and you can get omega-6 fatty acids from unroasted nuts and seeds of all types and from vegetable oils. But essential fatty acids aren’t the only safe, natural treatments that can improve these childhood problems. It’s also extremely beneficial to eliminate sugar and refined
carbohydrates, to determine any food allergies or sensitivities, and to supplement with key minerals and vitamins.
Dr. Alan Lieberman said that desensitization to neurotransmitters makes a significant difference to most children diagnosed with ADD. Most of these ideas just make good sense for anyone. Have your children check with a physician skilled and knowledgeable in natural and nutritional medicine for help in these areas.
                    A different meaning for “planned parenthood”
Of course, if a young woman can follow a healthy diet for a few years before beginning her family, she’s much more likely to have very healthy babies who will grow into healthy children who don’t suffer from attention deficit disorder or learning disabilities in the first place.
When I work with young women who are planning to start their families, I always emphasize whole-food, unrefined, unprocessed diets. I encourage eating free-range sources of animal protein (especially beef and chicken), wild sources of smaller fish (fish larger than salmon—such as tuna, halibut, and swordfish—contain increasingly unacceptable amounts of mercury), unroasted nuts and seeds (roasting destroys a large proportion of essential fatty acids), and as many vegetables and fruits from
organic sources as possible. The odds of having healthy, ADD-free children are
even better when mothers nurse their infants for at least a year after birth. Unlike cow’s milk (intended by Nature for animals with comparatively small brains),
human milk is rich in essential fatty acids. And there’s no requirement to stop nursing at 12 months, either. Unfortunately, many young women don’t think  to include dietary sources of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids before they become pregnant. In that case, there are still steps to take during pregnancy that will do much of the same job.
These include taking extra amounts of omega-3 fatty acids (1 tablespoon of cod liver oil) and omega-6 fatty acids (300 mg of GLA), along with 400 IU of vitamin E as mixed
tocopherols each day.
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