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Chronic body inflammation, but can't find diagnosis??

Okay, my symptoms all started with a case of costochondritis (inflammation of the cartilage of the ribcage) back in November. It causes the tissues in the ribcage to become very, very sore. (feels akin to being punched or kicked in the ribcage multiple times and then having your entire frontal ribcage be extremely sore) I was given an x-ray and a CT scan of the lungs with contrast during this diagnosis. As well as several types of bloodwork. All looked clean. I was given basic non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and sent on my way. Symptoms disappeared after a week and I assumed all was well. Two months later, I began having a strange "headache" of sorts, it felt like my head was on FIRE 24/7, like the nerves were freaking out inside my head. I suffered with this every single day, ALL DAY, without stop, for a month, until I could finally get in to see a Neurologist. I had two MRI's and an MRA, all looked clean. Multiple blood tests were ordered, all looked normal. I was diagnosed with a "Cranial Nerve Disorder", with a focus on Occipital Neuralgia, specifically. Occipital Neuralgia is when the Occipital Nerve becomes inflamed and begins to hurt. (there's that "inflammation" again). I was prescribed a steroidal-type anti-inflammatory drug, a 6-day dose pack of methylPREDNIsolone. Upon finishing the regimen, I found that the steroids had significantly REDUCED the CONSTANT pain inside my head, but had not eliminated it completely. Still, it became so mild that it was (and is) very tolerable and ignorable. Shortly after finishing that steroid pack, however, my costochondritis came BACK, and this time, it was much more painful. The pain radiated into my armpits and down the side of my torso. Shortly after this came back, I also started experiencing pain in my wrists and finger joints. I also experienced muscle soreness in the upper, inner arm muscles (just below the armpits) and in my upper, inner thighs. I went BACK to my GP. (at this point I had been seeing him VERY frequently). He seems fed-up with me, and thinks that ALL of my symptoms are related to stress and anxiety. I am adamant that they are NOT. I keep trying to explain to him that I didn't become depressed and anxious until all of this STARTED. But simply because I made the mistake of mentioning to him ONE TIME that I feel that I can be a high anxiety person at times, he thinks EVERYTHING revolves around that. However, he did seem to be humoring me at that point. Then, yesterday, he told me that just about the ONLY blood test that hadn't been ran on me was one to eliminate any sort of chronic inflammatory diseases such as RA, Lupus and the like. So I submitted my blood for THAT test yesterday. At that point, I felt confident that this may end up being what I have, in some form or fashion. However, today, I was sent a simple and very SHORT email with the results. It said: "The test results are essentially normal. There are no signs of chronic inflammatory diseases." And that was it.

I am so completely fed up and sad. I don't understand what's happening to me. I feel like at this point, with this "final test" coming up negative for anything, my doctor is done "indulging" me. Meanwhile, my symptoms keep piling on. First the chest inflammation, then the head, then chest inflammation AGAIN, followed by the wrists and fingers and the muscles of my arms and legs. WHAT IS HAPPENING?! Does ANYONE have any clues or can think of ANY condition that matches these symptoms? Here are a few additional facts about me:

26 year old Caucasian female with an extensive family history of women with Rheumatoid Arthritis, but no family history of any other types of auto-immune disorders (such as Multiple Sclerosis). No family history of any major cancers with the exception of uterine in the later years, and a few grandfathers who passed from lung cancer (but all of whom were chronic smokers and/or tobacco chewers). No other major diseases are prevalent in my family that I know of. Most of the women (on both sides) of my family tend to live well into their 90's and even 100's.
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My blood tests were normal, except my lymphocytes were high (prob because i had the infection at that time or food poisoning). before my knees swelled slightly, My FINGERS JOINTS IN MIDDLE WHERE YOU BEND THEM SWELLED SLIGHTLY, and are still swollen. My husband had no swollen joints but major joint pain. We have been sick for 5 weeks with this joint thing now, and i have muscle type spasms or shakiness in my body now, and aleve is helping ...I have good and bad days and my husband has this all to lesser degree, just hope it goes away ...some people have it 4 ever.
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Maybe take a look at Reactive Arthritis. Did you have a recent bacterial infection or strep throat or bronchitis (in past 8 months). Have you had eye issues or did you urinate constantly after a recent infection? I had food poisoning and my reactive arthritis started 4 days later with urinary issues, then horrible joint and then eye issues, then muscle or nerve issues. I had the RA test and no arthritis. My pain was in my sacroiliac Or butt joint. It started there and was bad there, also in my ankles, hands, feet, then my knees (which swelled slightly) I went to rheumatoid with swelled knees and inflamed eyes. My test for inflammation (ERS test i think) was negative, so They may have to repeat. I went to optamologist and inflamed eyes and given eye drop steroids. Also i started to get heart palpitations and recently had ultrasound of heart and waiting on results. I think you should see a new rheumotologist, then maybe an osteo or bone dr. I am going to see if a specialist on reiters (OLD NAME FOR REACTIVE ARTHRITIS) takes my ins, so I may change rheumatoid doctors also. Shame that yuou mention anxiety and they think your issue is in your head. Hope you get some relief soon. I took Cipro-antibiotic for 8.5 days, also Oral steroids for 6 and still have knee pain/swelling. I think that inflammation test is Bologna, because I was not taking aleve or advil and went inflamed for that test (heck my heart may even have inflammation) and it was negative. REACTIVE ARTHRITIS comes and goes. My husband also has it, but no inflamation. He has it to a lesser degree. I am on Aleve and pain is better but now in back. Worse in morning and pain is better after showering or moving around. Before this, I was in great shape and lifting weights plus cardio and in Gym 3 or 4 times a week. I am going to be 43 in 2 weeks and no other health issues.
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   Hi.  I have been reading/hearing about gluten allergy lately.  I myself have stopped eating all grains except for corn tortillas.  Yeah, I know, they are made from GMO corn - but since I can't eat bread and cereal - well, I have to eat something besides meat, fruits and vegetables.
    Anyway, seems that a gluten allergy can cause lots of symptoms, including dementia, fatigue, fainting, pain, and most of all an unexplained inflammation!  
     I too was "diagnosed" with an acute inflammation all over my body that the oncologist couldn't explain.  We have taken care of all the other problems - except the inflammation.
    So, doing my own research I came across the information about gluten allergy and what it can do.
     Since I haven't had another blood test lately, I don't know if my diet has taken care of the inflammation, but I don't have as much pain or aches as I did before.  And I do get fatigued, but not as often or as much.
     Hope this information was helpful to you.
wishing you the best
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