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HELP!! Can Chronic Post Nasal Drip Cause Stomach Problems? Can allergy symptoms change?

Hello, for my whole life I have been suffering from allergies, as time went on (iam now 19) my allergies have been getting worse. I had a scratch test done and it turns out that I am allergic to almost every single thing out there . Not just allergic...extremely allergic. Starting about 2 years ago I have had post nasal drip that has been on and off. This year it has been every day 24-7. Each year, my allergies get worse...itchy eyes, blocked sinuses, you name it. However this year has been quite different. Sinus infections and Staph incections in my sinuses. During this whole time, my stomach problems have been constant as well, I went to a specialist and i was diagnosed with minor IBS. I went on Augmenton for the staph and it eventually went away. I still have the post nasal drip however and my stomach problems are worseing. I have significant amount of mucus in my stool (sorry to be so graphic), very unusual bowl habits, and abdominal pain that is on and off. Lately I have developed minor joint and muscle aches.The weird thing is, since I am extremely allergic to everything, how can most of my allergy symptoms dissappear, except for the post nasal drip? I need a diagnosis!! I am going in for my 2nd CT scan for my sinises tommorow and i am getting blood work done 2 days from now? I am a bit scared of the outcome...could this be serious? CAn my allergies be causing ALL of these problems? Any suggestions, advice would be much appereciated. I am running out of options.
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Wow, that sounds like A LOT of my symptoms. Right now I am waiting on a blood test/ CT scan of my sinuses. If both come back negative, I will understand where to turn. I also suffer from ecxess phlem and post nasal drip, i dont vomit because of it, but I actually do gag a lot from it. I hope you get all fixed up as well, I cant thank you enough. Keep in touch, me e-mail is metal_guruxx***@**** feel free to send me an e-mail, It would be nice to be able to talk with you, and even exchange advice, symptoms, and remedies. Good luck to you as well.
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I just ordered Threelac today in fact! Will see what happens.

I also suffer for years and years from chronic coughing, coughing/vomiting up clear mucus/spit, slimy sticky egg white type mucus. I am allergic to everything, I itch all the time, and I am miserable.
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hello i was reading thoses comments about nasal drip and allergies ihave this too and it can make sick my nerves sometimes gets affected too wondering if its all the same ........ty
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Hello. Re: IBS. I don't know what is wrong and I am not a doctor, but just to add another possibility... I am probably way way off, but you are at that age where people can start to have Lactose Intolerance. This can cause the mucus in the stool, but would be associated with cramping and gas before it starts to make mucus. I have heard of Mucus in stool from people that have bad IBS. IBS can be caused by food allergies and most definitely Lactose Intolerance, and stress. Or just an irritation from a specif food. I don't know about your other stuff, I was just tossing in another possibility. It is really easy to figure out if it is Lactose Intolerance. What sets off IBS can be something you did or ate even the day before it happened. Keep a food diary of exactly what you eat, how much, where you got it from, and the exact times. Also when you use the potty #2 and results of #2-Stool. You can begin to track your IBS and probably figure out what is causing it with in a few weeks.
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Medications can also irritate IBS. I am surprised your doctor has not been able to stop your drip? Try another doctor.
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A related discussion, theelac was started.
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A related discussion, Post nasal drip was started.
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