533880 tn?1237612452

Is it a sinus infection?

I wanted to ask a question..I am pretty sure that I have a sinus infection but I have never felt like this before....It all stared with a headache and a fever. My headache is not is the front of my head but along the back, closer to the neck, where I am having pain as well. My jaw hurts, i am sensitive to light and sound. It hurts even if I talk or yell. My ears hurt like nothing I have felt before. But my problem is...I have no pain on my forehead or cheeks...no pain..weird. At first I thought it was the flu becasue I had nausea and I was tied and hurting but now my throat is sore and I think my ears are infected. I ran a fever for 4 straight days (101.2-103.7) and I still have a small fever but it comes and goes...Some one please help me
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533880 tn?1237612452
Thank you for your help...I have another question after about four days the fever and pain went away but I am now starting to feel bad again and my eyes feel as though they are going to pop out of my head. I have had a low grade fever a few times something around 99.8 but I have a low body temp because of being hypothyroid it is usually around 96.1-97.2. Could it still be a sinus infection? It tends to get better or better with the weather..it rained today and I started having more pain and feeling bad today....thanks again
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242588 tn?1224271700
The high fever is worrisome and suggests infection, probably not of the sinuses but of the ears, the oral cavity or the soft tissues of the neck, called a peritonsillar abscess.  Were it not for the fever, I would consider atypical migraine, but not with fever.  You should seek medical assistance, without delay, and you will probably need a complete blood count (CBC) and perhaps x-rays or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the neck area of greatest pain, in addition to a careful history and physical.

Good luck.
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